
After every major milestone, I like to take a short break. Gaining for too long starts to take its toll on you, physically and mentally. Personally, I start to feel out of shape and slow, so I do some cardio and focus on weight lifting while on a little break.

Now, though, even when I'm not stuffed with food 24/7 during these times, I'm starting to still feel pretty big. I had the chance to go to an amusement park with my family this weekend, and I was reminded just how big I actually am.

I love me some roller coasters, but unfortunately my boyfriend is scared to death of them. After trying to get him to ride some, I told him all he'd have to do to avoid me bugging him was to get me too fat to fit on them. In my mind, I thought that would be around 350 or 400 pounds or so.

I rode two rides the other day (we went mostly for my nephews). The first was an old wooden roller coaster. When I sat down, my legs were squeezed together so tight and the lap bar dug into my belly. The ride was so rough and unpleasant, I thought it was going to crush me!

Whatever though, it was built in the 70s, they didn't even have many guys my size back then. So, my second ride was on their newest coaster. I expected to have problems on the first one, but definitely not this one. Sitting down, the chunky lap bar only barely got past my legs (just my legs mind you, my belly wasn't a problem), but apparently it needed to click at least three times. The female ride attendants came over and pushed down on it as hard as they could, and eventually it took two of them using what looked like all of their strength to finally lock it in.

My legs were pinched and falling asleep, and I would have been absolutely mortified if I wasn't overflowing with pride. I rode both of those roller coasters just two years ago with absolutely no problems, and now it seems like if I gain one more pound I couldn't even squeeze into the seats if I tried!

So, it happened sooner than I expected it would. There's probably some parks out there with... roomier seating, but either way I'm not bummed at all. Outgrowing things is something I expected, anticipated and looked forward to a lot. Plus, my boyfriend is a very happy man, as a result.

Now that I'm back home, I'd say it's time to get back on the gaining train once again. I promised I would get to 300 before the end of the year, so it's time to get to work!


  1. Congratulations! I have a friend who was too big for roller coasters at 310...then he lost a LOT of weight and now he has no problem :) Luckily you're heading in the opposite direction so your BF is never going to have to brave a roller coaster again. Good luck for trying for 300! Just think, before you started you probably thought that was impossible ^.^

  2. Too fat to ride amusement park rides...Hmmm...I can see the appeal for someone like you, but are you sure you wouldn't miss it? I think I would. What about sitting in restaurant booths? I thought that was the main milestone.

    And you want to gain 20 pounds in two months? That's a lot for someone your size. Do you think you'll make it?

  3. I don't know, I smell a challenge in that last statement.... 20 pounds in two months... I don't know, is it doable?

    PS, what were the rides?

  4. You should do a photo of you now like in your blog picture but without the stuffing and you will actually be bigger, will look great, keep wolfing it down big guy and keep the gut tight... ;)

  5. Hi...I just read most of your blog - you've done a fantastic job, so far, transforming yourself into the man you were meant to be. Keep up the awesome progress!

  6. Twenty pounds in two months is probably doable, considering that these two months have Thanksgiving and Christmas in them and a lot of food-related events before, during, and after.

  7. Hi..
    Thanks for this article you give good information for the weight gain.
