Extra Large

So, Rob and I were getting kind of stir-crazy today. It's been snowing in Kentucky and we haven't been going out much. We both skipped class and ended up sleeping in until four in the afternoon. Yes, I know. We're both bums.

So we went out to Target tonight because I'd been wearing the same two shirts for the past month or so. Everything I was wearing was getting uncomfortably small except those two. Long story short, I walked out of there with four shirts and a pair of gym shorts (all for an average of under $5 a piece, thank you), all of them size XL. And they all fit perfectly.

I really must still be growing regardless of not putting on weight. Rob and I think I've gotten much, well, softer lately. And especially in these shirts I look a bit bigger overall. Regardless, I really wish I could gain those last five pounds, finally. If not just for the bragging rights.


  1. You'll get those 5 pounds you want, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. ^^ Just gotta have faith. -puts on George Micheal's Faith and dances-

  2. You could be losing muscle mass while gaining fat, that may keep your actual weight relatively stable...

  3. In your next post, could we see some pictures? It would be good to see how far you have come.

