Time Crawls

So I'm still stuck, I'd say. I fluctuate from 231 to 235 on a regular basis and its starting to wear on me. I know that if I just keep doing what I'm doing my body will eventually wear out and give up its futile grasp on my skinniness and finally let me bloat up to 240 and beyond, but man it's stubborn.

It's probably due in part to my stressful schedule this semester. Some days I wake up and commit myself to eating as much as I can, making sure I drink a shake and everything, but other days I'll be so busy that I barely have time for two meals. I'm trying not to let the scale get to me. I usually only weight myself when I feel bigger, but most of the time I step on it to see that I've lost weight.

Some of my old friends and roommates have noticed I've put on a little gut. They seem perplexed as to why I say I don't mind. I like that. On the other hand, when I see some of my friends from high school on campus they don't even stop and recognize me. I guess putting on almost 100 pounds changes your appearance a little.

I'm sorry that this is just another "stay tuned" post, everyone. I'm thankful that you are all so supportive of my efforts. The occasional email and YouTube comment and so forth really makes my day (and makes me want to make another video, damnit!)


  1. Keep the faith. Your body is just re-arranging itself for bigger things to come. :=)

  2. Einstein once said "Only the mediocre are always at their best."

    You've done such a great job already--if the magic number don't instantly come, you can still be proud of what you've accomplished so far...

    Also--to cheer you up. When most people lose weight, they often lose muscle tissue as well as fat. When they regain, the fat comes back a lot faster than the muscle does. This means that if you lose, say, 10 pounds and then regain, it, it's possible that when you're back up to the former weight, your body fat percentage will actually be higher than it was when you were first at that rate. You'll sometimes hear a gain say, "I haven't gained any weight, but I FEEL fatter." This is one of the reasons...their weight may not have changed, but the body fat percentage has.

    And I have every confidence in your future of jiggle :)

  3. Dont worry too much about it. The on-and-off consistency of your meals actually will help you to gain as your body will start to hold onto the calories since its not totally sure when the next meal is coming down the pike.

    You will be amazed at your next body expansion, trust me! One day you will look at your weight and body in the mirror and be sweetly surprised. Trust me, I have been there MANY times myself!

  4. in whatever yu do in your life, there is always a point where some progress/success is slowing down. but do not worry about this too much. if you keep focused, there will suddenly be a great breakthrough again, with a big successful step! and keep in mind: yuo have been more than just successful over the last months!

  5. We're all rooting for you. And the fact that your next few pounds are so hard to gain will just make it all the sweeter when you've got them.

  6. I love that you update. You're just awesome!

  7. Hey this is happened before to you and you've passed these leveling off or losing weight points before. Just try to stay on track and not get sad or depressed. Not to mention that stress can play a big roll to as it puts a toll on your body and that. Just keep doing what you're doing and one day you'll wake up as fat as you want to be. ^^

  8. Keep going, man. You're doing great, and I think you'll become better in the future.
