A New Year

Busy times, lately. Forgive the lack of updates, I haven't been gaining too much. While I feel bigger (again), I'm oddly stuck at 234. My thighs and lovehandles feel much thicker, it's lovely. But I am done with working now, and school is starting back up so hopefully I will have more time to eat.

Also, the gym is open again and I have a recharged desire to go. I feel more pumped nowadays, and that feeling is awesome. I'm also taking steps to keep my heart healthy, so in addition to the few ab exercises I already do, I'm doing some cardio again. Not too much, of course, but enough to get my heart a workout.

I had a bit of a drama-fest with my parents over my gaining as well. My father is overweight himself and he's developed knee problems because of it, so he's worried about my health. But, to make a long story short, everything is alright. I guess I'm sort of "out" to my parents about it now, which is a small load off of my back.

In case you don't read my LiveJournal, I've made the resolution to get to 275 by the end of next year. Here's to achieving that goal!


  1. Gaining is work especially if your metabolism doesn't cooperate. And gaining in a healthy way is even harder. Sounds like you are taking all the right steps. Keep up the good work. Glad your family situation has settled down.

  2. You came out to your parents about your gaining? That's major! Congratulations.

    Would you be willing to share how that went with us? I think it would help me figure out how to tell my family and friends about my gaining.

    Thanks once again for sharing so much with us on this blog. You're a real inspiration.

  3. Hey, I just found this blog through your youtube! You look amazing! One of the best looking gainers I've ever seen, the weight sits so well on you! Nice that you're not afraid to show your face too.

    For your next video maybe you could talk a little about your gaining and your belly? Loving seeing you outgrow your old clothes too, more of that please!

  4. Doing good there, man. ^^ You just need to update your graph on the front page. You're not at 140 anymore! XD Keep up the great work in reaching your goal and stay healthy while doing it to. ^^

  5. http://www.forbes.com/2007/02/07/

    Sorry I'm not sure how to make it into a link. It should work, just copy & paste.

    Interesting read, I bet you wish you lived on some of these islands.

    Keep it up man, it's great to hear you have renewed vigor for the gym! Healthy weight is good weight, fat or muscle.
