Black Hole

From my last post, I decided to take a chance and try something new. I've heard many people talk about the supplement Black Hole, which supposedly increases your appetite. Now, naturally I'm skeptical of any product that makes a claim like that, so I tried to approach it with low expectations. I totally failed in that regard, but thankfully I wasn't disappointed.

I've only been using it for a couple of days, but I can see the effects. The product works by tricking your brain into thinking you haven't consumed enough calories yet, letting you eat past the limit you would usually reach when eating. For example, normally I can down about a half of a large pizza in one sitting, and the other day I made myself eat the entire thing. It wasn't easy, per se, but you could argue that I couldn't force myself to do that normally.

So, I'll continue to use it. I've cleaned my plate in every meal I've had so far, and I've never really felt full. I'm trying to think of big meals I can make myself that I couldn't finish before. Perhaps a box of Krispy Kreme...

Anyway, I know a lot of you are looking for picture updates. I don't have much to show right at the moment, but I'll take some good ones after a really big meal using these pills. These are just some quick snapshots before work. Forgive the wrinkly shirt and the shag'd hair. Right now I weigh just under 230lbs. I certainly don't look trim, so I figure if I'm going to look fat on the cruise, I might as well look really fat. Don't you think?


  1. You are still hot as ever! Keep yourself well-groomed. Don't let your looks get sloppy even though you are gaining again. That's the one thing that has always bothered me about some gainers. It would especially be a shame in your case since you do have such matinee idol looks. :)

  2. looking great, wish that shirt wasnt on

  3. YOu look really good - it's really fascinating when you compare these pics with the ones when you were skinny. Much more masculine now.

  4. double your amount of black hole and take it and c wat the results r

  5. Yay! You're gaining again! :P you look sooo hot with a belly! :D SQUEEE!! ;)

  6. keep the belly and the beard. you look like how a real man should.

  7. well if you're wanting to gain again, a cruise is a perfect place to do so! There's a whole lot of food on those ships. you should take before during and after shots for this vacation. Hope you have a great time!
