
About a month ago, I got an interview request from a Canadian newspaper, in response to that Donna Simpson woman who made some noise talking about how she wants to be the world's fattest woman. I agreed to do the interview, and it was a pretty pleasant experience.

The article got published today. Somewhat late to the party, but still an interesting read. It ended up focusing more on me than gainers as a whole, so it's rather embarrassing for me to read. The author ended up posting a link to this blog, so I suppose I should acknowledge the extra traffic I'm getting today.

I hope I did a good job making gainers seem not entirely crazy, because truth be told, we are a bunch of freaks. Sure, there are some really crazy people among us, but that's true with anything in this vein. I guess I'm used to being a deviant, though. I expect people to not understand because even I don't really understand. Just like the author of that article repeated a few times, I just do what feels natural. Still, with all the other crazy shit people blog about these days, I hope I'm not the craziest you've ever seen.

But fear not, Canadians. I am not a leech on your health care system, for I am just another overweight American. I imagine it's more unusual for Canadians to hear about stupid fat people doing stupid fat people things. We're used to it down here in the States, I suppose. It's what we do.

Sizing Up

I'm making an odd amount of progress lately. In just the past week, I've apparently gained three pounds. And it's noticeable too.

As a result, though, I had no choice but to get some new clothing. Apparently, though, I'm in a size range that designers don't seem to think about much. Looking for shorts the other day, I discovered I'm about a size 42. The trouble is, most regular size shorts only go up to 40, and Big and Tall sizes are no smaller than 44. Fortunately, I only barely squeeze into these 42s that I found, so hopefully I won't be in this awkward size for long.

In addition, I decided I should probably move up to size XL shirts. Vacuuming out my car the other day, I noticed that bending down resulted in some pretty extreme plumber's crack. The other trouble is, most larger-sized shirts are just scaled-up normal sizes, so they end up being really long (like, down to my knees long) or the sleeves are big enough for my legs to fit through. I did discover (and here's a good gainer tip, I suppose) that 'fitted' tshirts work pretty well if you stretch out the belly. So I bought a few of them.

I always knew that outgrowing clothing and searching for stylish bigger clothing would be kind of a pain as I got bigger, but for some reason, I kind of like this side-effect of gaining. Something about how uncommon my body is becoming is kind of nice. Every time I pick up a bigger size, I think "This thing is huge! There's no way I could fit into it." But, lo and behold, the pair of shorts that I thought were big enough to use as a sail end up being too small for me!

Anyway, some people have been asking about a new video. It's been almost a year since my last one, so I thought maybe I could do a "250lbs... again" video or something, but at this rate, maybe I'll just wait until 260. As long as I didn't just jinx myself.