
About a month ago, I got an interview request from a Canadian newspaper, in response to that Donna Simpson woman who made some noise talking about how she wants to be the world's fattest woman. I agreed to do the interview, and it was a pretty pleasant experience.

The article got published today. Somewhat late to the party, but still an interesting read. It ended up focusing more on me than gainers as a whole, so it's rather embarrassing for me to read. The author ended up posting a link to this blog, so I suppose I should acknowledge the extra traffic I'm getting today.

I hope I did a good job making gainers seem not entirely crazy, because truth be told, we are a bunch of freaks. Sure, there are some really crazy people among us, but that's true with anything in this vein. I guess I'm used to being a deviant, though. I expect people to not understand because even I don't really understand. Just like the author of that article repeated a few times, I just do what feels natural. Still, with all the other crazy shit people blog about these days, I hope I'm not the craziest you've ever seen.

But fear not, Canadians. I am not a leech on your health care system, for I am just another overweight American. I imagine it's more unusual for Canadians to hear about stupid fat people doing stupid fat people things. We're used to it down here in the States, I suppose. It's what we do.


  1. "because truth be told, we are a bunch of freaks".

    You know what, everybody is a freak so don't worry about it. Everybody has some sort of weird thing they do. Be it drugs, booze, food, pills, shopping, etc etc. They just don't blog about it. Does that make me a freak reading it? I wonder -

    I'm Canadian and don't be fooled to think we are a thin nation. 17% of Canadians are obese. I think the major difference though between the two comes down to portion size. In the US, it's INSANE the portion sizes. It's not normal. We do not have that here in Canada so I think that helps.

    I have never had a weight issue and I would say I have a great body. I like your blog because it reminds everyday to workout, be healthy and enjoy living. So I thank you for that and best of luck! Don't go over 300!

  2. You know, you sounded just fine. I hate people who rationalise this interest by saying that someone must be mentally ill to want to become obese. That's just stupid. Isn't someone who devotes loads of time to making his or her body muscular also mentally ill in that regard?

  3. I'm a Canadian who has followed your blog for quite sometime though never commented until I was surprised by your article in the paper this morning. I really admire the fact that you were willing to be interviewed by a national paper and stand behind your convictions. Do what makes you happy, it's your life, and thanks for an interesting read.

  4. Mentally ill... no. Having a disease? Yes. Think Bulemia or Anorexia. They're diseases. Same as people like yourself who feel the need to purposefully put on weight despite the health risks you so obviously ignore.

    Being proud of living an unhealthy lifestyle is ridiculous however you look at it.

    Celebrating your illness is even worse.

  5. Just thought I would link you a mention from an Australian newspaper called "The Age"

  6. Hey Peter, a similar stories also run in Australia. :)

    I have no problem with your mission. But just make sure health come first. :)

  7. You're glorifying a disease which takes the lives of more and more people every day.

    I understand that this is your choice and no one can tell you how to live your own life, but have you thought what you are doing to your health? The risks are endless, diabetes, respiratory problems, heart disease, stroke, higher risk of some cancers.

    Are you just choosing to ignore that there are approx. 300,000 obesity related deaths a year in the US alone? Or do you just assume that stuff like that won’t happen to you..

  8. You can't live for anyone but yourself. These naysayers are really negative and judgemental, but who cares what they think? I think you are the perfect picture of masculine sexiness. To call gainers mentally ill is really close-minded and ridiculous. To lust after a certain bodytype that is "abnormal" is perfectly normal IMHO. One size does not fit all.

  9. Saw you in Sydney Morning Herald today! More power to you, good luck

  10. As long as it's making you happy that's all that matters and you're one to excersize to keep health. You're not like a gainer that just eats and eats and eats without excersize. That's what people aren't understanding that are posting some of the things in the comments. So keep doing a great job and ignore the close minded people. Git. ^^

  11. Read your interview on

    Gaining really isn't my thing but you came across as genuine, intelligent, articulate and dare I say it, sensual.

    All the best for your happiness and goals, don't lose sight of the importance of being healthy!

    To the critics, this is no worse than the huge number of people who are unintenionally overweight, the smokers, drinkers, druggies or those who speed. We all take risks. At least Peter sounds happy!

  12. I don't get it. You're making yourself unhealthy on purpose? You're not a freak - you're just not very smart.

  13. I find it to be a great thing, that your proud of who you are, and aren't afraid to say it. And to the Anons who feel the need to post negative comments. It isnt your place to say stuff that can hurt others.
    Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and don't let anybody drag you down to their level!

  14. Hi, Pete:
    I have followed your life via your blogs for quite some time. Congratulations! As a Canadian I am happy that our foremost paper interviewed you.
    You did a good job. I hope that readers will realize that "gaining" is just one of many things we humans do to, or with, our bodies. Tattooing, for instance, very popular again. Body piercing, extraordinary hair-dos, exotic ways of clothing and many other things.
    One thing that bothers me is, that, what so nicely is called "having extra baggage", is frequently tied to health. When one thinks about it, what is really so unhealthy about being fat?
    Thanks again for your efforts and wishing you continued happy gaining,

  15. Australians are the most obese people on the Planet. Seriously. So if anyone of em are giving you a hard time, just use that fact against them :)

  16. Git, don't let these negative comments get to you.

    The truth is that people lash out in negative ways because they feel small in some sense. The anger that laces some of the comments here are tell tale signs they have an issue.

    You know you need to pay attention to your health along with your goals.. You do it, don't allow others to get in your head and dictate THEIR commands to you and your way of living.

    Rock on, man!

  17. Git, don't let these negative comments get to you.

    The truth is that people lash out in negative ways because they feel small in some sense. The anger that laces some of the comments here are tell tale signs they have an issue.

    You know you need to pay attention to your health along with your goals.. You do it, don't allow others to get in your head and dictate THEIR commands to you and your way of living.

    Rock on, man!

  18. Git, don't let these negative comments get to you.

    The truth is that people lash out in negative ways because they feel small in some sense. The anger that laces some of the comments here are tell tale signs they have an issue.

    You know you need to pay attention to your health along with your goals.. You do it, don't allow others to get in your head and dictate THEIR commands to you and your way of living.

    Rock on, man!

  19. I think you are amazing. I secretly enjoy being larger, but not when it comes to clothes (being under 5' means all the legs are too long). Major props for being out and proud :)

  20. I have been following this blog for a long time and i am compelled to speak up. As a psych major i have to say that you are not mentally ill. That sort of crap is not legitimate, but an artificial conformist constraint created by frightened narrow people. You are great just the way you are. The concept of normal is artificial and doesn't exist. I think gainers and gay people understand this well. The sooner people in general see through this false concept of normality the better things will be. Remember that the gainer community has got your back and that you are special to us no matter what the mainstream says. I hope all the publicity that you are recieving does not sway your convictions. Eat Up!And thank you for campioning who we are! You are truely to be respected and applauded.

  21. Fuck, I'm actually so jealous of you. I used to be overweight before going on a strict diet. I lost weight and now am rather slim. The problem is that I still live on a strict diet because my biggest fear is gaining all the weight back. I wish I could just accept it and enjoy food and all the delicious, unhealthy things I love to eat, but find myself never eating.
    Good on you!

  22. while I don't agree with gainers being put in the spotlight, I wish people wouldn't put negative comments on here.

    It's possible to be healthy AND fat. For christ's sake. it's all about how active you are

  23. I read about your blog in the Cleveland Plain Dealer today. What you are doing is reimforcement to me that because there are so many people in the world, there is no one anymore that is totally unique. Reading your blog is like reading my own story. My goal was always to be at least 300 pounds. I can totally relate to the wonderful feeling of gaining weight. I felt that it was a desire that others would not understand. On September 15, 2008 I finally reached a long time goal of 250 pounds. I have to say that for me the reality was not nearly as wonderful as my fantasy was. I still truly fantasize about being really huge, but it's something I won't do any more. I encourage you to fulfill your dream, but I give a cautionary note that if the day should ever come when you feel really uncomfortable about your body, that have the courage to reassess your desires. Please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your blog. I can vicariously live out my fantasy through your weight gain.

    Mark McLeod

  24. I am a Canadian. I read the story. And, yes, I couldn't agree more with you - you are obviously, like most Americans, fat and utterly stupid.

  25. Hey man,

    You Rock. Thank you for putting it out there. It was a very courageous move to do this. It was a good article, I mean it didn't demonize gainers.
    And to all you anonymous negative commenters, what's up with that? Really, Id love to follow you around and point out every choice you make that is not 100% healthy. Actually i wouldn't sounds like a waste of time and id be as sad as you.

    Sorry for the weird rant.
    All the best.

  26. Why try to be like Donna Simpson? You're very handsome, don't do this please. It's not attractive, you looked GREAT the way you were. Please re consider :(

  27. Those in glass houses...

    I doubt ever person posting a comment here is the pinnacle of health. The mental anguish people put themselves through desperately trying to lose weight probably gives them a heart attack faster than eating a few extra cheeseburgers.

  28. I have no right to judge you for what you want to do. It is your life, it is your choice.

    The only thing I really want to ask you though:

    Are you living?

    Ask yourself deep down, past all the facade, all the front. If you are, then awesome. If you're truly happy with what you're doing, then I have no reason not to support you.

    As somebody who used to weigh 263 pounds and now weigh 190, I can honestly say that I can do so much more at my weight now than I could at 263. The world is my playground now, whereas when I was at 263, I wasn't physically capable of many things. My weight was restricting me from living and enjoying life.

    But that's my personal story and this is yours.

    Either way, to life.

  29. any Canadian that calls an American fat or stupid should look in a mirror.

  30. seriously canada blows

  31. It's funny when people throw around phrases like "eating yourself to death."

    If anyone did a TINY amount of research into the preservatives, additives, flavoring, etc. added to most food these days, they'd realize everyone is essentially doing this. Basically, if you're not eating an organic, vegan diet, you're likely eating something that increases your chances of cancer/heart disease/alzheimer's/etc. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    I'd put money on that someone 50-100 pounds overweight eating a vegan diet only with exercise would be much healthier than any average weight person with no exercise full of fast food...

  32. Dude you are the best. My whole life I have enjoyed gaining but never knew what it was and never knew others were like me. I read the article in australia, saw your reference and was inspired by your story and particularly your pictures. You look hot and I wish I had your courage. I have always loved big boys and I wanna be big but I have never acted on my desires. You are one sexy boy - one day I will have your courage. Thank you for sharing x

  33. Sorry, I'm coming into this discussion late, however samoa has the delicious reputation of being the biggest country. 93 percent are at least overweight and their leader is over 200kgs!!! They have a tourism industry that caters for the big beauties among us. Frankly I would like to move there!!!
