Sizing Up

I'm making an odd amount of progress lately. In just the past week, I've apparently gained three pounds. And it's noticeable too.

As a result, though, I had no choice but to get some new clothing. Apparently, though, I'm in a size range that designers don't seem to think about much. Looking for shorts the other day, I discovered I'm about a size 42. The trouble is, most regular size shorts only go up to 40, and Big and Tall sizes are no smaller than 44. Fortunately, I only barely squeeze into these 42s that I found, so hopefully I won't be in this awkward size for long.

In addition, I decided I should probably move up to size XL shirts. Vacuuming out my car the other day, I noticed that bending down resulted in some pretty extreme plumber's crack. The other trouble is, most larger-sized shirts are just scaled-up normal sizes, so they end up being really long (like, down to my knees long) or the sleeves are big enough for my legs to fit through. I did discover (and here's a good gainer tip, I suppose) that 'fitted' tshirts work pretty well if you stretch out the belly. So I bought a few of them.

I always knew that outgrowing clothing and searching for stylish bigger clothing would be kind of a pain as I got bigger, but for some reason, I kind of like this side-effect of gaining. Something about how uncommon my body is becoming is kind of nice. Every time I pick up a bigger size, I think "This thing is huge! There's no way I could fit into it." But, lo and behold, the pair of shorts that I thought were big enough to use as a sail end up being too small for me!

Anyway, some people have been asking about a new video. It's been almost a year since my last one, so I thought maybe I could do a "250lbs... again" video or something, but at this rate, maybe I'll just wait until 260. As long as I didn't just jinx myself.


  1. 260! skip the you- & treat your fans to x-
    xo, G

  2. no way! you should go ahead and make a progress video now. don't worry about waiting until 260. :)
    while you might only be 250, people would love to see an update.

    here's to hoping for a new video, soon. ^^,

  3. u should make a video of you trying on really small clothes and try going to gnc and useing weight gainer

  4. Hi, Pete:
    You have written before how difficult it is to get shorts that fit. Here in Canada we look to Sears for reasonable clothing. I wonder if Sears in the US use the same sizes?
    I checked the sizes you were writing about. Sears has:
    "2XL 42-44"
    "3XL 46-48"
    Are you that unfortunate that you need shorts just in-between thos 2 standard sizes?
    Great news that you are on the "up-hill" again!
    Best wishes, Norbert.

  5. Im curious how you stretch the belly out on the fitted t shirts, I could use some tips!

  6. @elfstone

    I just hold it upside-down, and stretch the bottom out with my arms for a few seconds.

  7. To work on getting those extra pounds in it would be a good idea to start slowing down your metabolism, this would be an easy task. The only thing you have to do is not eat ANYTHING until 2pm from the time you wake up and then eat all you want after that point... When I tried it I gained 13lbs in one week. And maybe you could post how your slowing down your metabolism and the progress, good luck on your fat journey!


  8. I'm not quite in the same boat as you are with the shorts, but I am "between sizes" myself. I used to wear 38s all the time, and even though they are quite "broken in", I can't wear most of them very long because they cut into me so hard now that it becomes too uncomfortable after sitting in them for a while.

    The new 40s are fine but they're cut longer (I hate having them crossing the kneecaps), so those get jacked up over my belly. I had to get a larger belt to hold them there without creasing my gut, but it works.

    I wonder whether you're paying attention to something, though. I discovered that segments of elastic around parts of the waist bands in some of the 38s make all the difference in the world. They're snug, and you can feel every bulge pressing out against them (not a bad feeling, by the way), but they do fit and don't look like stuffed sausages.

    The 38s without are okay at first, but those are the ones that quickly become uncomfortable because, well, let's just say I don't remain quite the same circumference throughout the day.

    So, you might look for some 40s with the partially (or fully) elastic waistbands.

    I'd love to see fitting-room pics of you squeezed into shorts that you really shouldn't be wearing. I'd bet that looks as hot as it feels. :)

  9. One of the best parts of gaining is looking at clothes that seem so huge and you put them on and discover they barely fit or fit just right. Fun side effect!
