Finally done with the story we've been working on! As most of you probably know, I have a lion character I use for a lot of my drawings, and my boyfriend wrote a great weight gain story featuring him!
It's pretty adult and all that, but it's a great read for you horndogs out there, and I just had to illustrate some scenes! So please, check it out via the link below:
Story Time
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
labels: drawings
Two Twenty
I've definately hit 220lbs now~ After a generous free meal from my visiting parents, I was tipping the scale closer to 230. But, on an empty stomach I sit comfortably over 220lbs, so its time for a small update! I would bring pictures but I'm gonna save that for a bit later. I'm also almost done with my illustrations for my boyfriend's story (I'm on a roll, it's glorious).
But! I did not come empty handed. I did make a video while I was still full. Enjoy~
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
labels: videos
Some Thanks!
I am just blown away! I never really expected this much attention, but I appreciate it so much! You guys have no idea how much encouragement this is, really. To all of you who comment here or on my YouTube videos, I read every one and would totally reply to each of them if I could figure out how. To the 160 (and counting!) of you who have subscribed to my YouTube videos, those of who who check this blog from time to time; to the blogs "The Encourager," "MiamiGlen," "Fat & Gay" and any others for linking to this site; to all of you who have emailed, instant messaged or otherwise left or thought about leaving some encouraging words for me: thank you so much. All this gives me insane amounts of motivation, and I won't let you down!
I'm legally nearing 220 pounds now, and within at most the next week I'll be posting more pictures and making a new video! This will mark 40 pounds I've gained since June, and 80 since October of 2005 when I started working out! I look forward to the day I double my original weight, and someone asks "What happened to the old Pete?" I can just smile and say "I ate him."
Eyes Still Bigger
I've always been a picky eater. Growing up, my parents tried to get me to eat a broad range of food, but I was a stubborn little brat. My father wouldn't let me leave the table until I finished all of my broccoli or brussel sprouts or whatever it was. I remember unintentionally hamming it up and gagging on the stuff until he got frustrated and gave up.
Eventually, they gave up on trying, too. My mum just let me make and eat my own food, because I would never really eat what she made. Like I think I said before, this is also the reason I was so skinny. I only ate about two meals a day, never was forced to clean my plate and I also never really expanded my palette.
Now food has become a really big part of my life as I try to fatten my self up, and this pickiness is becoming frustrating for me and my cook of a boyfriend. I do love most foods that make people fat, though. Cakes, pies, donuts, cereals, breads--anything full of carbs, really. I also drink more milk than I breath air, probably. But beyond that, I'm pretty limited.
I dreamed in the past about gaining, and how I could be able to raid buffets with huge trays of food, ordering massive amounts of food at fast food restaurants and scarfing it all down... It's one of the manliest things to me, and I would love the attention. I have learned to eat a few more things since then (most notably salads and hamburgers), and since I "officially" started gaining, I can definitely eat more in a sitting than I used to, but I do hope that my tastes and capacity continue grow with my waistline.
Monday, October 22, 2007
labels: backstory
It's been an interesting couple of weeks, over here. A lot of things happened, but this isn't the place to talk about them. Let's just say that things are finally better.
Interestingly enough, the new lotion I got for my stretch marks (the kind branded specifically for pregnant mothers and so forth), I ended up having a reaction to it! So, for about two weeks, I had little bumps everywhere I had applied it (and some places I didn't) and was itching like crazy.
So needless to say I wasn't really thinking about the gaining too much, but I'm gettin' back into it. I didn't lose anything, so I'm still about 215-216, and that's good. I'm also almost done with all my obligations as far as commissions and things go, and me and the boyfriend have a really great weight gaining story in the works, to which I'll be illustrating (à la Warren Davis), so look forward to that! I'll update again in four or five pounds.