Some Thanks!

I am just blown away! I never really expected this much attention, but I appreciate it so much! You guys have no idea how much encouragement this is, really. To all of you who comment here or on my YouTube videos, I read every one and would totally reply to each of them if I could figure out how. To the 160 (and counting!) of you who have subscribed to my YouTube videos, those of who who check this blog from time to time; to the blogs "The Encourager," "MiamiGlen," "Fat & Gay" and any others for linking to this site; to all of you who have emailed, instant messaged or otherwise left or thought about leaving some encouraging words for me: thank you so much. All this gives me insane amounts of motivation, and I won't let you down!

I'm legally nearing 220 pounds now, and within at most the next week I'll be posting more pictures and making a new video! This will mark 40 pounds I've gained since June, and 80 since October of 2005 when I started working out! I look forward to the day I double my original weight, and someone asks "What happened to the old Pete?" I can just smile and say "I ate him."


  1. wow dude looking at your old pix i bet back then no one would have pictured u being fat n' sexy like u are now!

    add me to YIM

  2. hehe aw, thanks for the nice comments man. Have some ice cream for me ;)

  3. Well that's what we are here for! ^^ We want you to get to your goals. No one can do something like this alone. That's why you have friends, fans, stalkers, etc. who motive you to reaching your goals. Keep up the great work!

  4. Your comment about doubling your weight and people asking you what happened to the old you reminds me of my aunt. When she got married she nearly tripled her weight and the families joke is she used to have a good twin sister but she ate her. XD. good luck with your goals and ill eb sure to watch ^_^

  5. Blahahaha.

    One day I'll get fat pictures up. Until then, skinny ass bones it is.

  6. Hey dude, you've got a great beginner belly there. I'd like to see you talk about what it feels like to put on so much weight. Like, not so much what it feels like when you grab it, but what YOU feel like as a fat man. Experiences like tying your shoes, buying bigger clothes, feeling your belly pushing out over your jeans, stuff like that. Good luck on all your dreams, bro!

  7. Is that a PSO poster in the background? Ah the memories. You're a beautiful man. Keep up that beer belly
