Time Crawls

So I'm still stuck, I'd say. I fluctuate from 231 to 235 on a regular basis and its starting to wear on me. I know that if I just keep doing what I'm doing my body will eventually wear out and give up its futile grasp on my skinniness and finally let me bloat up to 240 and beyond, but man it's stubborn.

It's probably due in part to my stressful schedule this semester. Some days I wake up and commit myself to eating as much as I can, making sure I drink a shake and everything, but other days I'll be so busy that I barely have time for two meals. I'm trying not to let the scale get to me. I usually only weight myself when I feel bigger, but most of the time I step on it to see that I've lost weight.

Some of my old friends and roommates have noticed I've put on a little gut. They seem perplexed as to why I say I don't mind. I like that. On the other hand, when I see some of my friends from high school on campus they don't even stop and recognize me. I guess putting on almost 100 pounds changes your appearance a little.

I'm sorry that this is just another "stay tuned" post, everyone. I'm thankful that you are all so supportive of my efforts. The occasional email and YouTube comment and so forth really makes my day (and makes me want to make another video, damnit!)

Other Progress

While I'm stuck at the odd weight of 234, I don't want to let this blog join the seemingly millions of dusty unused Blogspot blogs out there. I don't know if you guys care about this, but going back to the gym was a great boost for me. I'm getting absurdly strong with all this protein and calorie intake, and I think I'm growing pretty fast underneath this fat as well. I even did decline situps yesterday and ended up doing almost as much as I could before I put on an extra sixty pounds.

But the reason I'm posting about this is because of how big my arms feel. I remember when I was a kid and I first started thinking about getting bigger. I went down to my father's tool bench and got his tape measurer. Twelve inches, my biceps were at the time. At first it didn't seem too far from "I have 18-inch biceps" big, but it definately became clear that I was really small. And I mean really small.

You could have broken them like a twig.

I hadn't measured my arms until I left for college and started working out all of the time. I was around 15 inches when I started gaining last June, and today I measured again to find I gained an entire inch! With a good pump, I could flex 16 and half, complete with unsightly stretch marks.

While I'm still far from my goal (anything over 20 inches, mm mm~), I think I've proven to myself that I do have the genetics for growing muscle, despite how much trouble my body gave me back then. I'm not going to just be a fat guy. The belly might always be the first thing people notice, but I'll have big surprises up my sleeves.

A New Year

Busy times, lately. Forgive the lack of updates, I haven't been gaining too much. While I feel bigger (again), I'm oddly stuck at 234. My thighs and lovehandles feel much thicker, it's lovely. But I am done with working now, and school is starting back up so hopefully I will have more time to eat.

Also, the gym is open again and I have a recharged desire to go. I feel more pumped nowadays, and that feeling is awesome. I'm also taking steps to keep my heart healthy, so in addition to the few ab exercises I already do, I'm doing some cardio again. Not too much, of course, but enough to get my heart a workout.

I had a bit of a drama-fest with my parents over my gaining as well. My father is overweight himself and he's developed knee problems because of it, so he's worried about my health. But, to make a long story short, everything is alright. I guess I'm sort of "out" to my parents about it now, which is a small load off of my back.

In case you don't read my LiveJournal, I've made the resolution to get to 275 by the end of next year. Here's to achieving that goal!