Top Pot belly

Amidst all the changes that my job at Starbucks is experiencing, I learned Sunday that we're going to sell Top Pot doughnuts now. Even better is that my manager, in a not-so-stunning act of completely uneconomical thinking, decided to put out probably more doughnuts than we have customers in a day. And consider the things "expire" after a day, we have a lot left over. Needless to say I had a lot to take home after work Sunday. I can imagine that adding a doughnut or two to my daily routine this summer will have great results.

I'm going to try and work extra hard over this summer, both in making money and in making my waistline expand. The two sort of go hand-in-hand. More money for food is always good.

I also had a really great dream last night that I was in some sort of eating competition and had to down as many pizzas as I could. I just sort of went to town of them; folding up pieces, stuffing them in my face and swallowing pretty violently. If only I could have the capacity to down 5 or 6 larges in actuality. At any rate, I woke up very happy--and hungry--, as you can imagine.

On a technical note, I decided to put a domain name I registered to go use for this blog. So now, this is officially!

Edit: After a nice dinner, he's a quick picture of that pot belly. I'm starting to see a fat guy in me, for sure.

More Observations

You guys continue to blow me away with your extremely intelligent responses here. I'm honestly very impressed and enlightened. This post, however, is just sort of a thought dump.

One thing I've noticed lately is that I get hungry much faster than I used to. While I'm thrilled about this, the even cooler thing is that the hunger gets pretty intense if I ignore it. This is really getting me out of my childhood habit of only eating when I'm starving. I used to be able to skip a meal or two before I felt like eating. Now, if I do that, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm turning in to a real fat guy, I guess.

Spring is here, and all the big guys are starting to take off their coats for the first time. I swear there's so much eye candy around, I just know one day I'm going to get beaten up for looking at all these guys.

I also gave into my childhood desires and got myself a pair of 6XL boxers and a 3XL shirt. These things are enormous--I'd like to meet a man who could fill these up.

I'm really enjoying doing cardio at the gym. Its very nice to sweat, and I feel like I'm in pretty good shape considering my size. I still start to huff and puff when I climb all the stairs in one building on campus, but other than that I feel good. I don't want my gut to really outpace my muscles, so I'll keep track of that more now.


So, enough with the doubts. They're better off in the back of my mind. I know what I want and how I'm going to do it, but something keeps coming up. Why do I like fat so much? It's not like it's a rare thing--just look at all of the groups and videos and message boards out there dedicated to the attraction to overweight people.

I almost want to say that it is genetic. Just like with my sexuality, I can't remember a time thinking otherwise. At the same time, there are some events that occurred very early in my childhood that one could link to causing this interest. But, its painfully embarrassing to tell in such a public place, so lets just from a very early age, I loved to stuff my clothes and pretend to be as fat as I could.

But one of the things I remember most about my childhood that I can discuss here are cartoons. Every cartoon series in the early '90s had at least one episode where someone got very fat. The first episode like this I saw was probably the Angry Beavers or Johnny Bravo. I was oddly attracted to these episodes. I would watch series I didn't even like in the hopes that that day would be the day they showed the weight gain episode.

I've found that a lot of my gainer friends feel the same way. But why were some of us kids so attracted to these episodes? What is it about someone getting larger that we like? I'd be interested in hearing what you guys think about that.

At the very least I have something to blame my weight on. It's those damn cartoons, I say. They turned me into a gainer. It's so easy to blame television.