Top Pot belly

Amidst all the changes that my job at Starbucks is experiencing, I learned Sunday that we're going to sell Top Pot doughnuts now. Even better is that my manager, in a not-so-stunning act of completely uneconomical thinking, decided to put out probably more doughnuts than we have customers in a day. And consider the things "expire" after a day, we have a lot left over. Needless to say I had a lot to take home after work Sunday. I can imagine that adding a doughnut or two to my daily routine this summer will have great results.

I'm going to try and work extra hard over this summer, both in making money and in making my waistline expand. The two sort of go hand-in-hand. More money for food is always good.

I also had a really great dream last night that I was in some sort of eating competition and had to down as many pizzas as I could. I just sort of went to town of them; folding up pieces, stuffing them in my face and swallowing pretty violently. If only I could have the capacity to down 5 or 6 larges in actuality. At any rate, I woke up very happy--and hungry--, as you can imagine.

On a technical note, I decided to put a domain name I registered to go use for this blog. So now, this is officially!

Edit: After a nice dinner, he's a quick picture of that pot belly. I'm starting to see a fat guy in me, for sure.


  1. hmm I'm only 190 and can eat 2 larges so I'm sure you'll be able to eat alot of pizza soon enough, it's all about training your stomach to handle so much at once

  2. So glad to hear you'll be doughnut enhanced :)Looking forward to the results--

    hugs and belly rubs :)

  3. Free doughnuts are always good! Can't wait to see what they do you. ^^ Plus that's a great dream to have. ^^ Keep it up, SG.

  4. new pics please??

  5. I was a glutton last night.

    I ate virtually a whole large pizza which isn't normally how much I eat, I only usually eat 6 pieces but I was really hungry!

  6. OK, now that picture is just too delicious to pass up! WOW! A Belly Star if there ever was one.....

  7. i wanna see another pic of ur boyfriend, ;) what's he been up to?

  8. Looking good! I much prefer pics that show your face.

    Do the people at Starbucks say much about your weight gain?

  9. You are... (overly dramatic pause)... America's Next Top Pot Belly!

    I can't believe no one's done this yet, lol!

  10. do people ask or comment about ur weight gain

  11. wow, you are getting fat. very nice picture. please show more bellypics. you are a top pot belly gainer.

  12. A friend of mine swears that doughnuts are reforming foods - you eat them, and they reform in the same shape around your waistline.

  13. *starting* to see the fat guy in you? *disbelief *

  14. Your growth is really great. You should be immensely proud of yourself and the work it's taken to get to your current size and shape.

  15. You look as if you are almost 300 pounds in your most resent picture of yourself. Keep on gaining , looking great!!!

  16. The weight lifting has really been helping, I think. I like that you're growing evenly all over (thanks to the muscle,) and that all the weight isn't just going to your stomach :)

    Keep up the good work!

  17. You look magnificent. The beard is a great look for you, and I hope you let it grow full. Your potbelly is a wonder to behold. Congratulations, and I hope you achieve your dreams!

  18. Where the hell have I been that I just now found your blog! I've admired your vids for some time now (and sent encouragement), and it was a treat to find you hear. Many congrats on the FINE progress. I'm sure you'll put those extra work donuts to good use. Only wish you were working at MY Starbucks so that I could admire your progress. Thanks for sharing man. You're lookin' GREAT. Chow.

  19. I wish you worked at my starbucks... All the guys there are so freakin skinny, and/or emo...

  20. wow dude u got big!

  21. I really appreciate all the work you put into your blog, and your body. You look amazing and I enjoy reading your updates. Come them coming!

  22. That's a great picture, you're doing amazingly well. Shame you only like the big guys!

  23. hi petey, happy anniversary, one year blogging! hope the cuming yr brings more lbs, more vids, more photos... and less clothes, plz ;-)

  24. this picture of all the ones i've ever seen is by far without a shadow of a doubt my most favorite picture ever! :D
