Summer Break

So, the semester is finally over. I'm so burnt out, its hard to find the motivation to do anything. Sadly that includes gaining. I really haven't thought about it much lately. Luckily I haven't lost any weight, but I am generally very happy with how I look right now.

There are times that I really fantasize about being enormous, but generally I feel very attractive. While that's good for my self esteem, it makes me less motivated about getting bigger. That coupled with how difficult it's becoming to gain anything, I'm going to need a lot of motivation to keep it up. Any ideas?

I apologize for the lack of photos lately. I know that's what a lot of you guys come to see, and god knows I enjoy the attention. I'll be sure to snap some sometime soon, here.

That's all, really. Just wanted to update this thing. Seems the community as a whole is pretty slow right now as well.


  1. I have the same problem with gaining, and I know that irrespective of how hard I try I can't get higher than about 200Lbs, which is a shame because I know my body shape would be similar to yours - and you do have a gorgeous belly.

    One of the main reasons I find it hard to gain is because I don't have a boyfriend to encourage me (any encouragers near London?). You could mix food and sex - there's nothing quite so delicious or persuasive as a good looking guy with a 12" pavlova...

    I know loads of really good high-calorie recipes; if you want I can email them to you.

  2. If you are happy with the way you look now, perhaps you could simply maintain this figure? I mean I know you're into getting bigger but if you're genuinely happy with the way your body looks, why not keep it that way?

    Alternatively, if you do still want to grow, you might want to think about what ways you want to grow, like if you want to build up more muscle or make your gut hang out more, or similar.

  3. I would have to just suggest to keep going. I mean, you never know, you might be even more satisfied bigger than you are now. I know you'll probably take a lot of pictures and do take a lot. Suppose you got to 300lbs, you could look back to the photos of previous weights and say "Hey, I really liked where I was with that weight." and just go down to that weight you liked.

    It's your choice though and I'll fully support any choice you make.
    Though I wouldn't mind you gaining
    some(A LOT) more. ^________^

  4. Well maybe you just need to rest due to the burnout? Cause burnout isn't really good for any of us, but in a fast paced world like this. It happens a lot more often. I'd say just maintain for now, until your rested and the burntout feeling is gone. ^^ I know you'll feel better after you've had a nice long rest. That's what summer break is all about. Resting and having fun, so your body can recouperate form the school year. Before you know it, you'll be back to gaining in no time and getting to the goals that you want. We're all behind you and rooting for you to get to your goal, SG. ^^

  5. I have to say that my situation is very similar to yours. I even have a supportive boyfriend. I am currently 225 lbs. I have been stuck here for a long time. As a gainer I find that it is very natural to want to give up. God knows I have many times. I even slimed back to 195 lbs. at one point. Something inside me always wants to gain. It's something deeply rooted and I am trying again. I have set a smaller goal of 260 but I am still having trouble even getting to 230. I have been gaining off and on and had many change of hearts about the community for about 5 years, and I can honestly say that in the end this is just who I am. I want to be big...and one day I will be big. I just have to be patient. I recall peaking at 195 back when I was a senior in high school. It took me about a year and some life changes to get to 200 and here I am at 225! It can and will happen! It's discouraging, I know. I agree that the gaining community is really slow right now. But it will pick up again or you'll be inspired by a new up-and-coming gainer who will ignite your passion for gaining once more. Best of luck to you!

  6. well, now

    you don't need to be who you want

    in fact it may impede your ability to have them

    be the best version of 'you' that you can be - big or small.

    or - eat poutine, whateva.

  7. You might try spending your free time hanging out with fellow fat guys. One: excellent inspirational eye candy; two: many fat guys tend to indulge in food/beer centered actitivies.
    WhatEVER you do, do not stress over it. Relax, enjoy the moment. If it looks good, eat it. If it is good, eat more of it.
