
So, I might have some bad news for some of you guys. I've decided for this summer to experiment with something.

I hear that its easier to gain back lost weight than it is to gain new weight. So instead of trying to gain weight over the summer, I'm going to try and lose some. This is to see if I can still lose weight simply by reverting to my old eating style rather than "dieting." So far I've lost seven pounds in about a week, so that looks to be true.

The plan is to lose my way back to 200 pounds. If I like how I look at that weight, I may keep it. I'll definitely keep gaining, but with less of a focus on belly weight and more on mass. I doubt I'll ever have low body fat again, I would love a nice powerlifter look. But if I miss the belly, I'll gain it back and see how fast I can do so.

So, this is still a gaining blog, for sure. I hope my readers will stick around and watch my progress. I'm not done getting bigger, not by a long shot.


  1. Good for you. I'm glad to hear you will focus on a healthier weight! Keep up the wonderful work

  2. Though you were beautiful in ever pic, not going to change if you resistribute things a bit.

  3. Good on you buddy. I have heard that as well and I am one of those living proof since I stopped then started again in my gaining which I've made up to 350+ pounds now.

    It does work for some guys but not always but it is always good to try something out in the way of getting bigger I say.

    Good luck and here's hoping to see a bigger you by the end of it all.

  4. Good luck to you. I generally find that its true that to gain after losing is particularly easy. Your body never loses its fat cells, they just (essentially) empty of fluid and become smaller/flat. So, when you do gain again, you will find your fat is probably loser than you remember and it will look different. How? Depends on the individual.

    I think you will find the process fascinating.

    We'll be watching -- keep just as current as you have been and please post some pics of you on the way "down" as well.

  5. It'll be interesting to see what happend to you when you do this, so I'll be sticking around to see. Who know? Maybe you'll get down to 200lbs and then gain back up really fast to the goal that you wanted? Anyway, good luck to you and keep going for what you want. ^^

  6. Your theory is correct, but it depends the diet. There's also some troubles: you can have very ugly stretches in the process if you lose weight very fast; your body can have some disbalances in hormones if you do it many times. It looks simple, but it´s an agression to your body. I prefer you review your current diet. You arrived to a plato. Need to be pacient and think your diet.

  7. I hope you lose it VERY fast and start gaining quickly as you rebound. Good luck and keep posting photos... even of your loss!

  8. Git, thanks for saying what's on your mind as you enter this phase of your journey of transformation. I echo what another fan of yours has posted: Just keep current as you have been. I hope you'll post some of your "regress" photos. I appreciate how your blog stirs up both erotic imagination and good will. -Joe

  9. Why don´t you talk about weight gain diet with fatfanplus or sfgutmuscle? I think it would be a nice idea.

  10. You know a sumo wrestler with 350 pounks intakes 16 000 calories per day? It's what a commmon person consumes in a week. Because of this, it`s more interesting to review your diet than lose weight fast and gain it back. Think about that.
