More Observations

You guys continue to blow me away with your extremely intelligent responses here. I'm honestly very impressed and enlightened. This post, however, is just sort of a thought dump.

One thing I've noticed lately is that I get hungry much faster than I used to. While I'm thrilled about this, the even cooler thing is that the hunger gets pretty intense if I ignore it. This is really getting me out of my childhood habit of only eating when I'm starving. I used to be able to skip a meal or two before I felt like eating. Now, if I do that, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I'm turning in to a real fat guy, I guess.

Spring is here, and all the big guys are starting to take off their coats for the first time. I swear there's so much eye candy around, I just know one day I'm going to get beaten up for looking at all these guys.

I also gave into my childhood desires and got myself a pair of 6XL boxers and a 3XL shirt. These things are enormous--I'd like to meet a man who could fill these up.

I'm really enjoying doing cardio at the gym. Its very nice to sweat, and I feel like I'm in pretty good shape considering my size. I still start to huff and puff when I climb all the stairs in one building on campus, but other than that I feel good. I don't want my gut to really outpace my muscles, so I'll keep track of that more now.


  1. cool when are you going to post some more pics cant wait

  2. Hi, thats great, gut and muscles is where it's at. That way you can stay big and remain HEALTHY! and balance all your body out.

    I see you've got some links to other gainers blogs on your page, if you want to add mine then feel free. I can add yours also.

    Keep up the great work, and i'd love to see some pic updates.

    Keep working out and stuffing the gut.

    Your friend

  3. It's good that you're hunger is like that. ^^ Means that you're actually getting to be like your one story you wrote. Just keep up the great work and we'll all still be here rooting for you to get to your goals or blow way past'em! XD Plus I think you might get the crap beaten outta you by your BF, if you look at those guys. LOL! Be careful about that. ^^

  4. Don't worry Git, you'll meet that person sometime soon. Who knows, you might be staring at him in the mirror and not realise it. :)

    Keep growing big guy and make us proud!

  5. LOL Hi in response to your comment on my blog :P

    Yea I have loads and loads and loads of pics, that was just a selection I posted lol

    I'm kinda addicted to creating male nude/semi nude art via the media of photography. I cna't help it!! *snap Flash Snap Flash* *blush*

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