So I've gotten back into my old mindset of wanting to grow my muscles as fast as possible. I've invested a good chunk of my first paycheck on some new supplements, including multivitamins, testosterone enhancers, estrogen suppressors, and these pseudo-steroid-like pills that are going illegal in a few months. So far they are working very well, I feel I've grown a bit already despite having lost weight.
On the gut side of things, I've dropped about 8 pounds now, but I'm no where near trim. I know that I'm never going to be the low-body-fat gym rat I used to be again, and I'm glad for that. I want to have a big, intimidating powerbuilder-look (such as this morphed fellow). I've started a new exercise routine just for that, especially after reading this article on The guy sure knows how to appeal to guys like me with writing like this:
"SO, what is my advice? If you want to get huge and add muscle - so much that people think you're hardcore juicing - GET FAT! It's all going to come off in the on-season anyhow, so who cares? The time for being lean is then, and this is now - winter. This is the time when people wear baggy clothing and plenty of sweaters. Besides, its not like anyone is going to remark about how fat you are - they will be too scared to comment because of your size. Yes - OH YES - you will instill fear in the hearts of men everywhere!"He suggests to essentially eat like a gainer. Eat a ton, and not just tuna and sweet potatoes and all that, but fattening, complex-carb, sugary junk food too. That's advice I think all gainers could follow.