Bulking Down

So I've gotten back into my old mindset of wanting to grow my muscles as fast as possible. I've invested a good chunk of my first paycheck on some new supplements, including multivitamins, testosterone enhancers, estrogen suppressors, and these pseudo-steroid-like pills that are going illegal in a few months. So far they are working very well, I feel I've grown a bit already despite having lost weight.

On the gut side of things, I've dropped about 8 pounds now, but I'm no where near trim. I know that I'm never going to be the low-body-fat gym rat I used to be again, and I'm glad for that. I want to have a big, intimidating powerbuilder-look (such as this morphed fellow). I've started a new exercise routine just for that, especially after reading this article on bodybuilding.com. The guy sure knows how to appeal to guys like me with writing like this:

"SO, what is my advice? If you want to get huge and add muscle - so much that people think you're hardcore juicing - GET FAT! It's all going to come off in the on-season anyhow, so who cares? The time for being lean is then, and this is now - winter. This is the time when people wear baggy clothing and plenty of sweaters. Besides, its not like anyone is going to remark about how fat you are - they will be too scared to comment because of your size. Yes - OH YES - you will instill fear in the hearts of men everywhere!"
He suggests to essentially eat like a gainer. Eat a ton, and not just tuna and sweet potatoes and all that, but fattening, complex-carb, sugary junk food too. That's advice I think all gainers could follow.

On a side note, I got in touch with the folks at collegehumor and got the credit for my pictures changed to myself, so now I have a chance to win that contest! Be sure to vote for me when the time comes.

Beaten to the Punch

So, I don't know if you guys check CollegeHumor, but they're having that Freshman 15 contest. I had actually meant to enter it, but I had actually not gained any fat my actual freshman year. Looks like someone submitted an entry as me, though, seen here. I thought it was kind of funny, but if I/he ends up winning, I'll be pretty pissed. If the guy who submitted them reads this (I'm not sure how else he would find those pictures), let me post the pictures instead.

At any rate, things aren't going too swimmingly here. I'm really not enjoying my new job transfer and I'm contemplating quitting. At the same time, my boyfriend's left town for a week to go see his family, so it's really lonely around the apartment. I've lost about 7 pounds or so, I'll post pictures when I'm feeling better.


So, I might have some bad news for some of you guys. I've decided for this summer to experiment with something.

I hear that its easier to gain back lost weight than it is to gain new weight. So instead of trying to gain weight over the summer, I'm going to try and lose some. This is to see if I can still lose weight simply by reverting to my old eating style rather than "dieting." So far I've lost seven pounds in about a week, so that looks to be true.

The plan is to lose my way back to 200 pounds. If I like how I look at that weight, I may keep it. I'll definitely keep gaining, but with less of a focus on belly weight and more on mass. I doubt I'll ever have low body fat again, I would love a nice powerlifter look. But if I miss the belly, I'll gain it back and see how fast I can do so.

So, this is still a gaining blog, for sure. I hope my readers will stick around and watch my progress. I'm not done getting bigger, not by a long shot.

Summer Break

So, the semester is finally over. I'm so burnt out, its hard to find the motivation to do anything. Sadly that includes gaining. I really haven't thought about it much lately. Luckily I haven't lost any weight, but I am generally very happy with how I look right now.

There are times that I really fantasize about being enormous, but generally I feel very attractive. While that's good for my self esteem, it makes me less motivated about getting bigger. That coupled with how difficult it's becoming to gain anything, I'm going to need a lot of motivation to keep it up. Any ideas?

I apologize for the lack of photos lately. I know that's what a lot of you guys come to see, and god knows I enjoy the attention. I'll be sure to snap some sometime soon, here.

That's all, really. Just wanted to update this thing. Seems the community as a whole is pretty slow right now as well.