1000 YouTube Watchers

Man, the other day I noticed that I had nine-hundred-something watchers on YouTube. I had no idea! Knowing full well that soon it would pass into four digits, I wanted to do something special. Things have been so hectic around here that I forgot until tonight when a friend of mine gave me that 1000th one.

I had just finished a big pizza dinner, so I figured why not upload a video? It breaks my youtube-as-a-video-timeline shtick, but its been far too long since I've done one. I've forgotten how motivating it can be; not only the comments I get, but seeing my belly from a different angle. Watching my navel in this video is actually kind of mesmerizing.

Here's the vid, folks! I've been going all out lately when it comes to eating. I'll explain more in my next post. Cheers.


Cruises are wonderful. I just returned this morning and I gotta tell you all, if I were surrounded by free food like that all of the time, I'd be immobile in no time. I think I showed myself pretty easily that if the food is available to me, I do eat a lot.

I'm still a little jetlagged, so I'll keep this short. In the four days I was out there, I think I've gained about five pounds. Not bad, although I was hoping for more. I am feeling a bit bigger, especially in the love handles. I took a couple pictures for you guys to judge. Also, if you would like to see some of the pictures from the trip, check out my Flickr set.

Some Updates

Things have been extremely busy lately, but thankfully its getting better. We spend all of Friday moving our stuff to our new apartment. Just the two of us in 90-100 degree weather. It was a very exhausting experience. I probably lost about 5 pounds of just sweat. I don't think I was out of shape though; had we done this in any other season, I would have blasted right through it. Eventually, however, I'm going to have to hire some movers to move our stuff for my fat ass.

Couple things I noticed:

  • There's a huge depression in my side of the mattress. I guess that's my fault.
  • It's a lot easier to carry boxes when you can rest them on your gut a little.
  • Our new place is smaller, but our kitchen is fantastic. Too bad
  • we don't have any money for food.
I've been watching the gaining community lately, especially with my recent discovery of chubspot.com. I've found some of my favorite gainers on there, including this guy, whom I've always considered one of the most attractive, biggest men on the internet. He gives me hope that men can look fantastic at over 400 pounds. And he thinks I'm hot, heh. There's also one of my favorites, and his progress photo that's always been inspiring for me.

There's no ego boost quite like hearing that two of your favorite gainers think you're attractive and have great potential. I also got a very nice note from a couple on CollegeHumor of all places. This guy and his wife praised my progress and encouraged me to gain more. He claims the ladies love that extra padding. While that's not of interest to me obviously, it's very interesting to see others' motivation behind gaining weight.

Leaving for the cruise on Thursday. Hopefully I'll return a heavier man.