Some Updates

Things have been extremely busy lately, but thankfully its getting better. We spend all of Friday moving our stuff to our new apartment. Just the two of us in 90-100 degree weather. It was a very exhausting experience. I probably lost about 5 pounds of just sweat. I don't think I was out of shape though; had we done this in any other season, I would have blasted right through it. Eventually, however, I'm going to have to hire some movers to move our stuff for my fat ass.

Couple things I noticed:

  • There's a huge depression in my side of the mattress. I guess that's my fault.
  • It's a lot easier to carry boxes when you can rest them on your gut a little.
  • Our new place is smaller, but our kitchen is fantastic. Too bad
  • we don't have any money for food.
I've been watching the gaining community lately, especially with my recent discovery of I've found some of my favorite gainers on there, including this guy, whom I've always considered one of the most attractive, biggest men on the internet. He gives me hope that men can look fantastic at over 400 pounds. And he thinks I'm hot, heh. There's also one of my favorites, and his progress photo that's always been inspiring for me.

There's no ego boost quite like hearing that two of your favorite gainers think you're attractive and have great potential. I also got a very nice note from a couple on CollegeHumor of all places. This guy and his wife praised my progress and encouraged me to gain more. He claims the ladies love that extra padding. While that's not of interest to me obviously, it's very interesting to see others' motivation behind gaining weight.

Leaving for the cruise on Thursday. Hopefully I'll return a heavier man.


  1. awww!! We didn't get to see your boyfriend and you together! :( ;) well, I still say you should pose together and take a picture!
    PS. Remember to take before-and-after photos for your cruise! :D Have a happy vacation!

  2. yeah, billy is really a hot gainer, but now you're the best one!!! :D

  3. Hope you have fun on your cruise and gain a lot on it to. XD They do sometimes have all you can eat buffets. Hehe. Keep up the work and moving can make you lose wirght with all that heavy lifting/carrying. Plus when heat is involved. Oh yeah! You probably did lose some weight sweating it out.

  4. One of my favorite gainers ever, referring to BigDawg.

    hope you look like him one day :3

  5. just wondering but how much does your boyfriend weigh? and also does he gain a little?

  6. I hope you return from your cruise noticeably fatter and well-rested.
    And that's a very nice picture of your boyfriend - from the rear!

    I've been fortunate to meet Billy (BigDawg) in person twice - he's a very sweet guy in addition to his over 400-pound physique.

    As somebody who's gotten a chance to rub his sizeable belly, it's an uplifting experience, to say the least. I do feel like a little fellow next to him, that's for certain - and I'm 290 pounds myself.

    I, too, have discovered the wonders of Chubspot - it's been wonderful locating some well-fed old friends and new friends on the site.

  7. Hey dude. Nice to hear about the apartment. Obviously you wont get this till the cruise is over so hope that went well. I been aloof recently something I'm trying to stop doing.

    Enjoy the cruise, they are so awesome

  8. i like the back fat thats one of my favorites

  9. show us your cruise on you next post!

  10. Dude, I wouldn't gain that much weight if I were you! You would certainly eat yourself to your grave! I'm sure it's nice in some ways to be that fat, but imagine the back pain and the Arthritis problems you would have! Not to mention Gout, Sleep Apnea, heart problems, etc. You look fantastic at 240 lbs! I would stay around there for a while and enjoy it! I don't think you should ever surpass 275 lbs in your lifetime.

    You're at the point where you look nice and plump, but you're not fat enough to suffer serious helth problems of the morbidly obese. I honestly can't see how you wouldn't think a 47" belly isn't big enough for you! You're at a PERFECT weight right now, don't gain too much more!
