
Cruises are wonderful. I just returned this morning and I gotta tell you all, if I were surrounded by free food like that all of the time, I'd be immobile in no time. I think I showed myself pretty easily that if the food is available to me, I do eat a lot.

I'm still a little jetlagged, so I'll keep this short. In the four days I was out there, I think I've gained about five pounds. Not bad, although I was hoping for more. I am feeling a bit bigger, especially in the love handles. I took a couple pictures for you guys to judge. Also, if you would like to see some of the pictures from the trip, check out my Flickr set.


  1. My favourite gainer took off his shorts ;D
    Good to hear you gained some on the cruise. I also see that your boyfriend is nicely filling out on this photo with gull ;] Very nice boys, keep up good work. And take pics with yr boyfriend (two chubs;))
    Cheers form happy 202lbs gainer ;]

  2. You look fantastic. Your boyfriend is a lucky man. Chat soon, keep eating and, btw, very hot under the shorts ;)

  3. Looking good, Git! ^^ Gaining 5 pounds is better then losing 5 or not gaining any at all. Though we all know how you'd love to be huger then life, but that's just not possible IRL, without major health problems. Just have to get as big as you can, saftly. ^^ Plus looking hot with your under your shorts! ;)

  4. Look great, Git! ^^ Filling out really well! :) Keep up the great work!

  5. Lookin good! wish I had ur physique ;)

  6. Yay! :P You're getting big again! :D

  7. What are you weighing now a days? Also, how "big" are you? if you know what i mean.

  8. hey, maybe another video soon? and maybe you could even talk???

  9. Glad that the cruise was good to your belly. And I'm glad that you weren't too jet-lagged to show us your post-cruise belly (and what was hiding beneath it). ;)

  10. man, you look really good! comparing that with your old pictures i have to say: gaining weight definitely makes you so much hotter!!

  11. yah its surprising, you'd think you'd be able to gain more from a cruise but their food isn't very filling in my opinion, nor is it very fattening sadly for some reason. I didnt gain much when I was on a cruise either

    good job so far!

  12. looking great there cutie

  13. wheee!! post another video on youtube, please!

  14. You have a natural sex appeal. Keep going. Why don't you inspire in the Michael Phelps diet? Read this article: {US swimmer Michael Phelps made history yesterday when he scooped a record-breaking 11th Olympic gold medal. He has now topped the podium five times in Beijing. After his latest victory, he revealed the secret behind his six-days-a-week, five-hours-a-day training regime: an extraordinary 12,000-calorie daily diet, six times the intake of a normal adult male. This is a typical day:BreakfastPhelps kick starts his day and his metabolism with three fried-egg sandwiches, but with a few customised additions: cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and, of course, mayonnaise. Amuse-bouche out of the way, he throws back two cups of coffee and sits down to an omelette - containing five eggs - and a bowl of grits, a porridge of coarsely ground corn. He's not finished yet. Bring on the three slices of French toast, with powdered sugar on top to make sure there's no skimping on the calories. And to finish: three chocolate chip pancakes.LunchWith breakfast wearing off and the hunger pangs biting, Phelps downs half a kilogram - ie a whole packet - of enriched pasta and two large ham and cheese sandwiches. On white bread with loads of mayo on top. To remove any chance that his body will run out of fuel, he washes this down with about 1,000 calories of energy drink. DinnerTime to load up on carbs for the next day's training. Another half kilo of enriched pasta goes down the hatch with a chaser of an entire pizza and another 1,000 calories of energy drinks. And so to bed. As Phelps told US television channel NBC yesterday: "Eat, sleep and swim, that's all I can do." }

  15. You have a natural sex appeal. Keep going. Why don't you inspire in the Michael Phelps diet? Read this article: {US swimmer Michael Phelps made history yesterday when he scooped a record-breaking 11th Olympic gold medal. He has now topped the podium five times in Beijing. After his latest victory, he revealed the secret behind his six-days-a-week, five-hours-a-day training regime: an extraordinary 12,000-calorie daily diet, six times the intake of a normal adult male. This is a typical day:BreakfastPhelps kick starts his day and his metabolism with three fried-egg sandwiches, but with a few customised additions: cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, fried onions and, of course, mayonnaise. Amuse-bouche out of the way, he throws back two cups of coffee and sits down to an omelette - containing five eggs - and a bowl of grits, a porridge of coarsely ground corn. He's not finished yet. Bring on the three slices of French toast, with powdered sugar on top to make sure there's no skimping on the calories. And to finish: three chocolate chip pancakes.LunchWith breakfast wearing off and the hunger pangs biting, Phelps downs half a kilogram - ie a whole packet - of enriched pasta and two large ham and cheese sandwiches. On white bread with loads of mayo on top. To remove any chance that his body will run out of fuel, he washes this down with about 1,000 calories of energy drink. DinnerTime to load up on carbs for the next day's training. Another half kilo of enriched pasta goes down the hatch with a chaser of an entire pizza and another 1,000 calories of energy drinks. And so to bed. As Phelps told US television channel NBC yesterday: "Eat, sleep and swim, that's all I can do." }

  16. yay! saw the pic of ur boyfriend, he looks chubbier than the one u posted last year! :P *glee*

  17. I'm not gay at all, but I will admit you have the perfect body - not too soft or saggy, great upper body tone, no sagging man-boobs, and you don't even have a double chin!

    What's hidious is when people get that porous and dimpoled cottage-cheese looking fat and those nasty red stretch marks!!

    So do you work our a lot to keep the muscles toned? Or do you just eat lots of prtein and such? I don't mind working out if I end up looking like you rather than the affore mentioned contrast.

  18. Nice! I love being around so much food! To be honest, though, I don't really love food all that much. I just love what it can to for my body!

    Speaking of immobility after eating so much, I have noticed some other interesting effects. I noticed that I get hot, really, really HOT! I can feel heat rising from every part of my body and I start sweating like crazy! I think it's the extra calories. I remember learning in Physics that calories are a measurement of energy and that your body produces chemical reactions as intense as a nuclear bomb (just at a much, much, MUCH smaller, molecular scale) when it breaks down food.

    Additionaly, I have noticed that it hurts to breathe when stuffed past capacity! I feel like if I breathe in too much air, it will make me explode! Then theres the mobility issue.

    Congrats on your success, man! Your story inspires me! Going from a scrawny, weak 18 yr-old up 100 lbs in only 3 years is certainly incredible!
