Double Unemployed

It's so nice to have a new president! Especially when it's the one I wanted ever since before the primaries. It's hard not to be optimistic about what is in store for this country, but unfortunately it seems like he's started a bit too late for us. My poor boyfriend got laid off from his job at the University this past week. So even more unfortunate, money is going to be real tight for a while. (If you want to help out, just click on those annoying ads between my posts. I actually get a decent amount of money from them.)

But, on the other hand, being unemployed means I can be lazy. And boy have I taken advantage of that. Yesterday was spent just playing World of Warcraft (the ultimate teenager weight gain system). From sun up (or around 4pm, when I awoke) to sun set, I was on my poor straining office chair clickin' away. This sort of laziness may be why I feel like I'm getting bigger. I haven't been eating as much because we can't afford to go out so much, and I haven't even put on a noticable amount of weight according to my scales, but I feel bigger. My hips look wider, my chest feels heavier and my belly seems to take up more of my lap than it used to.

It's gotten to the point that my waistband has completely dissappeared under my gut when I sit down, and especially when I lean forward like when I'm on my computer. Over long periods of time, it starts to get pretty uncomfortable. It's then I can see why some huge men wear their pants over their belly. It's a definite relief, but I still don't approve of it. That look rarely looks attractive to me (but when it does, mm mm), and even worse it leaves such horrible markings across your belly that may become permanent.

I've been toying with the idea of buying some suspenders, to see how they feel. I know they're kind of out of style, but I actually think they look pretty good when they're worn properly. You know, pants under the gut, suspenders to each side of a massive protruding gut? That's a wonderful look, especially on men who need them. And I have a feeling I'm going to need them one day.


One of the things I had always hated about my old body was my head. My father passed to me, from his otherwise gainer-friendly genes, his oversized skull. I mean, we're talking too-big-for-one-size-fits-all-hats big. You can probably tell from my earlier pictures that this has been something I've been very self-conscious about most of my life. I never liked my face or my head, so I just cropped it out when I could. There were just so many complaints... my nose was too narrow, my chin was too pointy, my jaw wasn't square and manly and on top of that, I had a pencil neck. Worst of all I couldn't pull off short hair. Longer hair disguised the fact that my head was too big for my tiny little body, but wasn't the masculine hair style I wished I had. (If you dare to look, check out a picture here)

It seems that gaining weight is remedying this.
It wasn't at first something I expected to happen, but I'm loving the extra fat that's filling out my face. It isn't anything spectacular yet, but my jawline is starting to get wider and when I smile I get these really attractive dimples. In addition, the size of my body is making my head appear smaller. I really like it, because coupled with my thickening beard and neck, I'm starting to feel very masculine.

I had worried that my face wouldn't fill out because that sort of thing is up to one's genetics. But thankfully, from the progress I've made so far, I can tell that I'll develop a look that I can be very proud of. Perhaps it's only a matter a time before I look something like this:


International Admirers

I really like that Feedjit application on my sidebar there. I'll admit I check it quite regularly. It's nice to see where people are coming from when they arrive on this blog, both in the internet and in the world. Some of the places you guys are from is pretty unexpected. (てさ、本当に太い男好き人はいるか、日本に?僕は少し日本語分かるから、コメントしなさいね!) I guess it's just hard to imagine people outside of America liking big guys. That aspect of the US is usually what most other countries seem to hate.

It's also pretty interesting to see what people search for when this page pops up. I like that many people are looking for me directly, but there's also those who are searching for keywords and just sort of stumble upon my blog. It makes me wonder how many people are searching for weight loss blogs and end up here somehow. Since I share a lot of the same keywords as those other blogs, I wonder how often that happens.

And even then, I wonder what they think. It's been a while since I've gotten some outside criticism about what I'm doing. I think I'm getting a little spoiled from all the wonderful compliments and support I've been getting from everyone here and on YouTube. (Especially on YouTube, I usually expect to get a lot of negative comments on my videos, but lately...) Still, everyone likes to hear positive things, I suppose.

I've actually been dying to talk with some bigger men, out there. What with Chubspot down, I can't seem to find anyone to talk with about pretty large sizes. All of my gaining 'idols' seem pretty hard to get a hold of, or don't have much interest in being essentially interviewed by guys like me, I suppose. Still, I have a lot of burning questions to ask guys who've lived in the kind of body I'm working for.

The gym's finally reopened and I've been getting back into my workout groove. Also, my last semester of classes starts up this week. It's only a matter of time before I graduate (hopefully) 30 pounds heavier! For my last Spring Break, my future in-laws have offered to take us on a cruise, so hopefully that will give me a much-needed boost.

250lbs Video

Sorry about the delay. The past few days my appetite just wasn't there. I'd have a huge craving (usually for Taco Bell, lately) but then I wouldn't be able to finish whatever I was eating. It's comin' back though.

Anyway, not much to say for this post. I made this video at 5am, so I was sort of at loss as to what to do, but I think I look noticeably bigger. Apologies for the farmer's tan.