International Admirers

I really like that Feedjit application on my sidebar there. I'll admit I check it quite regularly. It's nice to see where people are coming from when they arrive on this blog, both in the internet and in the world. Some of the places you guys are from is pretty unexpected. (てさ、本当に太い男好き人はいるか、日本に?僕は少し日本語分かるから、コメントしなさいね!) I guess it's just hard to imagine people outside of America liking big guys. That aspect of the US is usually what most other countries seem to hate.

It's also pretty interesting to see what people search for when this page pops up. I like that many people are looking for me directly, but there's also those who are searching for keywords and just sort of stumble upon my blog. It makes me wonder how many people are searching for weight loss blogs and end up here somehow. Since I share a lot of the same keywords as those other blogs, I wonder how often that happens.

And even then, I wonder what they think. It's been a while since I've gotten some outside criticism about what I'm doing. I think I'm getting a little spoiled from all the wonderful compliments and support I've been getting from everyone here and on YouTube. (Especially on YouTube, I usually expect to get a lot of negative comments on my videos, but lately...) Still, everyone likes to hear positive things, I suppose.

I've actually been dying to talk with some bigger men, out there. What with Chubspot down, I can't seem to find anyone to talk with about pretty large sizes. All of my gaining 'idols' seem pretty hard to get a hold of, or don't have much interest in being essentially interviewed by guys like me, I suppose. Still, I have a lot of burning questions to ask guys who've lived in the kind of body I'm working for.

The gym's finally reopened and I've been getting back into my workout groove. Also, my last semester of classes starts up this week. It's only a matter of time before I graduate (hopefully) 30 pounds heavier! For my last Spring Break, my future in-laws have offered to take us on a cruise, so hopefully that will give me a much-needed boost.


  1. Congrats on the cruise and on the positive comments, your looking HOT!

  2. It is surpising that people outside the US find big mean to be hot. Not much though, I think. Cause of them hating that about the US. Though if they're are people outside the US that love big men. Then that just means that more people are rooting for you to get to your goals and that, like we are doing for you now. ^^

  3. Glad to hear things are going well. Can't wait for chubspot to re-open myself. The cruise should really help with the 30lb gain; they are a non stop feast on the water. All the best from another non US admirer. Regards, Jon (mandmchoc)

  4. Just been on a cruise myself - eat right and you can count on packing on about a pound a day! Good luck

  5. hehe, i know who the swedish one is...

    internet sure is one hell of a place. you can find anyone and anything.

  6. Being from a country where everyone is supposed to not get fat whatever they eat, your blog, that i love, gives me inspiration and determination to become a bigger person myself, even if i have to deal every day with the negative perceptions that exist about fat/big people.
    Thanks for blogging and good luck for reaching your goal.
    Xavier from France

    ps: I love your last video, you are so hot!

  7. Best wishes on your cruise - I envy you. The opportunity to eat almost 24 hours a day is very appealing - especially to us gainers.

  8. I envy you your upcoming cruise. I went on a 10-day cruise a year ago and came home with 10 new lbs, which inspired me to write this little story on my blog:

  9. Hi, I'm enjoying your blog. It's so surprise when I found Japanese letter!! Of course, in Japan, some of gay loves big/fat guys. (f.e. ) I want to make my body bigger!(now I'm 190lbs)
    Well, I look forward to update of blog.
    Ryota from Tokyo.
