
One of the things I had always hated about my old body was my head. My father passed to me, from his otherwise gainer-friendly genes, his oversized skull. I mean, we're talking too-big-for-one-size-fits-all-hats big. You can probably tell from my earlier pictures that this has been something I've been very self-conscious about most of my life. I never liked my face or my head, so I just cropped it out when I could. There were just so many complaints... my nose was too narrow, my chin was too pointy, my jaw wasn't square and manly and on top of that, I had a pencil neck. Worst of all I couldn't pull off short hair. Longer hair disguised the fact that my head was too big for my tiny little body, but wasn't the masculine hair style I wished I had. (If you dare to look, check out a picture here)

It seems that gaining weight is remedying this.
It wasn't at first something I expected to happen, but I'm loving the extra fat that's filling out my face. It isn't anything spectacular yet, but my jawline is starting to get wider and when I smile I get these really attractive dimples. In addition, the size of my body is making my head appear smaller. I really like it, because coupled with my thickening beard and neck, I'm starting to feel very masculine.

I had worried that my face wouldn't fill out because that sort of thing is up to one's genetics. But thankfully, from the progress I've made so far, I can tell that I'll develop a look that I can be very proud of. Perhaps it's only a matter a time before I look something like this:



  1. I think you were extremely attractive as a skinny guy as well, but you're getting hotter with each added pound! I can't wait to see you get huge.

  2. That pic of your mug is so dang handsome, I can't stand it.

    And the cute grin shows your happiness and satisfaction.

  3. (Heh, the CAPTCHA is "porkit," how fitting)

    I've gotta agree--the extra beef is looking great on your face. Have you considered a chin strap beard?

  4. Agree about your warning about your old thin face pic - wish I hadn't!

    Not intended as an insult but having found your fuller face so attractive, it is a shock to see whate you looked like without the filled-out face.

    But I know that personally too... my own old thin face is something I hate to see. The fuller face is the bonus that comes with the beefy belly.

    Thanks for the blog, man. Really interesting (and hot pics too!)

  5. Your old pic isn't that bad, but your current pic is very handsome; moreso than the guy you have as an example. Regards, Jon (mandmchoc)

  6. Hello from Dublin Ireland! I've been following your brilliant blog for a while and just wanted to say that its really interesting!I admire your courage and most of all your honesty when you are writing your thoughts..have you ever considered a future in journalism?? Anyway,just thought it was about time that I lent you my support from across the Atlantic ! fair play to you and keep up the good work! All the best for 2009 xx Ronan.

  7. Well it's good to see that you noticing that about you and that you're happy with it. You older pic didn't look that bad, but you can really see the difference as you're whole body is filling out and getting bigger. Keep up the great work, Git. You're doing fantastic. ^^

  8. The filled out look really suits you. You are handsome either way, but the rounder face compliments your features very, very well.

    As always, thanks for sharing with us!

  9. you look so different in that skinny picture, you look beter fatter i must say :-)

  10. I haven't read all of your blogs, but much can be learnt from them. (1) The "you" of today. You achieved so much. And it shows in the confidence of your face. Now so masculine and full, no longer boyishly thin. The body you have developed up to now, so stout and sturdy and above all, manly.
    It proves, where there is a will there is a way. From what you write, it certainly wasn't always easy. I hope others are inspired by you.
    (2) Your weight gain and implied familie questions. Why dont you basically tell them what you told us (e.g. imagined head too large, jaw not broad enough, body too spindly etc). You don't have to tell everything, but things they will understand. It is always easier to stay close to the truth, rather than making up stories. And if you get to be 300 or 350 lbs (as many of your fans hope you will), you can always say "Things got a bit out of hand"!
    As I indicated, personally I really admire your determination and drive to develop that most enviable belly. I trust it will become even bigger and more beautiful by May!

  11. I know what you mean, I too have a larger head (and yah finding hats are a fucking pain)

    but I was the oppostie when it came to the face, I've always had a more plumper face, part of the reason I gain is to help balance that, cause a fat head on a thin body looks weird *chuckles*

    anyway keep up the good gain so far man

  12. I'm so thrilled to find your blog! I've spent a good part of Australia Day reading & looking at your progress. Very impressive, and very hot!
    While I disagree with your harsh comments about your head being too big pre gain, I definately agree that you look way hotter now!
    I look forward to seeing your continued success!
    Corey yeroc192000
