Final Finals

Goodness, this month is going to be crazy. Last week I had a trio of midterm exams to start off my final month of my final semester. So, unfortunately there's not much else on my mind. At the same time though, everyone seems to want me to think about other things. Graduation invites, celebrations... I really just don't have the time.

This poor blog hasn't gotten the attention I wanted to give it lately because of school. But, the idea of finally graduating and having a ton of time to do anything I want is very appealing. So, I suppose you'll just to have bear with me until then. I'll have plenty of things to report once I finally get this over with. Not just your your sake, but for mine as well. It's time to get that scale moving again!


  1. Pete, concentrait at the things at hand and that is your schooling. Everything else can wait. All the best. Jon (mandmchoc)

  2. Wishing you the very best for this very important chapter in your life.

  3. Good luck to ya! We now you can do it and pass your finals! ^^

  4. we are still reading it babe. good luck on your tests

  5. Pete,

    Focus on School, the blog will be here when you are done. You will have something to look forward to. Have fun and good luck, look forward to seeing the updates when you are done with school.

    Padder in Virginia

  6. What do you think from my videos? :o)

  7. Awww, Mr. Git hasn't updated in a month! When do we get to see some progress big guy? :)

  8. i know how you feel, i want to see gits progress! this whole months been weird without it

  9. Congratulations on passing your final exams! A big milestone in your life.

  10. No Git and no belly makes person something something...

  11. I know the feeling - it's really hard to balance all this with work, finals, and everything else. Keep up the good work and looking forward to hearing some updates! :P
