5 Tips for Gaining

Even though I haven't been too successful in putting on weight lately, I have acquired some things that have worked for me in the past, as well as lessons I've learned that I can warn you new gainers out there of. So, I put together this little list of tips and tricks.

1. Don't worry about eating huge meals.

One of the things I focused too much on when I was first starting out was being able to eat large meals in single sittings. While that certainly helps when you begin to need more calories to maintain your weight, when you first begin to gain it is not a crucial.

Instead, focus on consistently eating. Between your meals, try to snack on anything you can. Keep something in sight so you remember to do so. I grew up only eating when I needed to, so I often forgot to eat at all. So, to get around that, or to get yourself into the habit of snacking, set up timers or get someone to remind you every two hours to get anything to eat. Remember, it takes just two weeks to make a habit of something.

2. Go on an Anti-Diet

A good way of thinking about what you need to eat is looking at what other people avoid when they're losing weight. Do the opposite of Atkins and load up on carbohydrates. Do the opposite of what breakfast food companies suggest and skip breakfast (the point being, by the time you get to lunch you'll be so hungry that you'll unintentionally overeat).

One good thing that diets suggest that is good for gainers is to keep track of your intake. Just calculate how many base calories you burn in a day (which depends on your weight) and any amount you consume after that amount goes toward your new weight. Since it takes 3500 extra calories to gain one pound, try to spread that amount over however many days you wish you gain that pound.

3. Protect your skin

I know that some of you guys like stretchmarks, but for those of us that don't, you can attempt to prevent them in several ways. You can use specialty lotion designed for pregnant women which cocoa or shea butter. I myself had a pretty severe allergic reaction to that stuff, so I stuck with vitamin E lotion. Be sure to apply it daily, particularly before a day when you plan to eat big. Also, to answer a question someone brought up, for the most part, stretch marks do not go away unless you lose that weight again--and even then they would just come back if you gained it back. However, for the majority of guys I know, they do get less pronounced and red as time goes on.

There are other problems that start to show up as you get bigger. When your thighs get to the point that they rub together when you walk, be sure to be proactive in preventing callousing. I've seen a lot of big guys whose skin looks well maintain, but when you see between their thighs or under their arms, their skin is very brown, rough and hard. It's generally an enormous turnoff, because it's a sign that you're not taking care of your body. Plus, it's extremely uncomfortable! So, be sure to use baby powder or wear boxer briefs. Just take a look at how worn my pair got after a few months!

4. Go to the gym

I'm not saying you should do any cardio, but lifting weights will do nothing but help you. Spend plenty of time working on your legs and lower back to help carry your future weight. In addition, working your upper body will only make you look bigger. The awesome thing is, because you're consuming so many calories and protien, your muscles will be fueled better and faster than most men there! Think of it as a permanent bulking phase.

And don't worry about burning too many calories. Lifting weights really don't burn that much at all. By the time you get home and have a sandwich, you'll have gained back what you lost. But, just like weight lifters, be sure to have a protien-packed, large meal right away.

5. Be patient!

The people who generally want to gain weight are those who can't do it very easily. As such, you can't be impatient when it comes to results. Even if you don't see any, keep trying. You'll run into similar plateaus down the road where the same mentality applies. Sometimes all it takes is trying something new. For me, it was going to the gym for a year.

If all else fails, try again later down the road. I attempted to gain in high school only to see absolutely zero results. It was immensely frustrating and I did give up, but a true gainer can't resist their desire to be bigger. Even if it takes waiting a year to let your metabolism slow down, you'll get there. Just keep trying!


  1. Question and I'm not sure you would even know the answer, but if you already have the stretch marks will the lotion make them go away? Or is it merely just to prevent them?

  2. Excellent tips Git. I've never bothered to keep track of my calorie intake, but I know that really works for some guys. And I wish they had a cream for promoting stretch marks not preventing them, lol.

  3. Great tips. Pretty much exactly what I did, the be patient part is crucial. Took me about 12 years to get from the 135/5'9 I was to the 240 I am now!

  4. I personally don't believe in calorie counting for anything, I lose and gain weight better when I just focus on it without measuring or weighing or counting all the time

    definately right about the always eating thing, its about just eating often not just eating 3 big meals a day

    I also have been thinking about lifting weights, wanna get to 240 before I do though (around 230 now)

    also I hate my stretchmarks, but I'll keep the lotio thing in mind thanks Git

  5. Very nicely done with the tips, Git. I was wondering when you're going to do tips of your own for other gainers and ones that are starting. Keep up the good work as always. ^^

  6. Stretch marks; I would love to be fat enough to have some, having stretch marks is part of being that fat at least for me.

  7. Good tips. The part with the boxers is true. I lost quite a few of 'em >.> Thanks again

  8. On YouTube one of the most frequent questions is what to do to gain weight.
    Your little compendium should help many. Thanks for making the effort to write it.
    I was shocked what rubbing thighs can do. Again, thanks for the picture.
    And finally, I hope your troubles with your toes have been rectified for good.
    Keep your great body going!

  9. Christopher JamesMay 13, 2009 at 6:12 PM

    Personally, I would suggest trying to slow down your metabolism. If you eat ONCE a day, but eat a very, very large amount, it can slow your metabolism down to a crawl.

  10. Sometimes that browness isn't a sign of being lazy and not taking care of your skin. Sometimes it's just unavoidable.

  11. Excellent tips, but one thing I disagree with- I've always heard it was better to gorge in a few (maybe more than 3) big meals throughout the day without snacking in between.

    Most weight-loss experts will tell you to eat smaller portions and eat often throughout the day to keep your metabolism up, so reason says doing the opposite will slow your metabolism and help you gain.

    Also, the reason skipping breakfast is so important is more to do with metabolism- by the time you get to lunch, your body has been fasting for nearly 12 hours, and your metabolism will have slowed. Do this daily and it'll practically crawl to a stop.

    Just things I've read over the years... only recently started trying to gain...but you're the one with the great results so maybe I'm wrong!

  12. This helped me immensely! I'm exactically in the situation you used to be in, but your right, I can't seem to give up. I've been trying to gain so long, but my metabolism can make a moose severely underweight. It's gotten me frustrated, and I'm getting no where not even knowing how to properly gain. But this has enlightened me, and I no longer feel by myself. I do have two questions, do you recommend exercising your abdomen to gain? And what are some exercises for the lower back if your unable to make it to a gym?

  13. Great work , I need to know how to get fat in high school. I am at the moment a little chuuby but I want to get fat ! So please help
