Spring Break

Oh dear, is it Sunday already? I've sort of lost track of time, as my final spring break ever started on Thursday. Unfortunately on that same day, I also had more work done on my toes (hopefully for the last time) so it got off to a pretty uncomfortable start. We're not going anywhere this time either, as the cruise plans fell through, so I'm pretty much just going to spend this week being pretty sedentary. Not that I mind.

I found out I got my first impersonator the other day (thank you for the tip, anon). I'm a little flattered that I've been deemed attractive enough to impersonate, unlike the collegehumor incident where the guy was just in it for the money. Usually it's guys like bigbryan or huge superchubs who get the impostors. I'm starting to get a tad annoyed that he seems to be ignoring my request to take the profile down, though. I'm not saying you should harass him about it, but I'll just leave the link to the profile here (Well, that was fast! Thanks guys). He even cataloged all the pictures I've posted on this blog. I suppose that's the risk you run by having so much content up in public view. Still, it's interesting that there are so many impersonators in this community. You'd think that impersonating a fat man would be something that wouldn't be so common, given the stigma they have in most situations.

But yes, my name is not Jim and I'm not from New York. For those of you who don't know, my name is Pete, and I hate myspace.


  1. Man that sucks. I hate impersonators and have actually had a few myself but then again more in a gaming instance. It's much worse to have someone steal your identity and I hope those who use myspace will have luck helping you rid you of him.

  2. YAY! For fellow hating of myspace! ^^ Well hope you get some good exposure and more people that like fat men come, instead of those that hate fat men and are like, "Eww" and all that. Also hope this impersonater takes down the myspace page or it gets taken down.

  3. Hi, Pete:
    Sorry to hear that you had to have some more work done on your toes. But fixing the problem properly is all important.
    I'm glad you see that Jim assuming your body is a compliment, albeit a lefthanded one! Yes, you have come a long way in your development. Of course, on the other hand it is maddening.
    So your March break is going to be quiet. Does that mean you will be able to concentrate on gaining? Hope, hope! Nine days at two pounds each; about 20 lbs should be a very noticeable difference.
    Closing, I do hope that you get over that "being fat" is a stigma. When given the choice between "beanpole" and "rotund" the latter always wins out.
    Good luck!

  4. I hate MySpace too, but it's really nice having a catalogued set of pics of one of the hottest looking young chunksters on the 'net. I wouldn't call him an impersonator so much as, well, a curator.

  5. It's kinda weird having someone impersonate you, hope the profile gets pulled

  6. I reported the guy's profile after you posted the link to Twitter.

    Hope your toes are getting better!
