
Boy, college was certainly good to me. I can't believe it's already been four years. So much has changed since I started but it feels now like it was only yesterday.

When I was feeling all nostalgic, I remembered the pictures my parents had taken of me when they moved me into my first dorm room. Sifting through all my old emails from my mother (and believe me, there are a LOT of them) I managed to find them. I couldn't believe how different I looked--almost like a completely different person. Back in those pictures, I was so nervous about everything, and very self-conscious. When I see them I can feel all that emotion again.

Still, it's amazing to see how far I've come. Two years of working out boosted my self-confidence and another two years of gaining made me actually proud of my body. You can see it in my progress pictures. As the pounds came on, the more I smiled, the more I looked at the camera... So, as a little tribute I attempted to recreate those poses in my apartment to compare. I would have tried to wear the same clothes, but I remember donating them last year. At any rate, there'd be no way to even fit those red shorts on anyway.

I encourage anyone out there who is gaining or thinking of gaining to take as many pictures as possible. Even if you hate how you look in pictures like I did back then, you'll be glad you have them one day. As for me, who knows where I will be in another four years? Better get started, then!


  1. You've grown in maturity, self-confidence, and bulk. Here's to continued growth in all aspects of your life!

  2. Hey Git,
    Just wanted to say your are an amazing person... I've just started my own gaining adventure and always com back to visit your site to keep my motivation up.
    Cheers, Drakion

  3. Someones obviously turning in to their life long dream, but there's still ways to go till the big 4-0-0. Nice beard, keep growing it. Good luck Git.

  4. Congratulations, Git!!
    You look awesome, and you can really tell how proud you are of yourself in those pictures! Keep going and growing strong!

  5. Definitely a big "YES" to the beard and haircut - they set off your new manly face and neck!

  6. much better hair, long hair doesnt work for fat guys, but I have to say you'd look much better without the beard

    everyone knows beards only hide any fat or things like double chins, plus with as much as you're eating you don't want the beard in the way

  7. Much bigger different in everything with the pics from when you're young till now. You can just see you're more confident, less shy of the camera, happier and all that. Keep up the great work. ^^

  8. Your growth, both visual and mentally, IS very apparent in the before and after pictures. You look like such a nice, fun, open and interesting person (and we know you are from your commentaries). Be proud of who you are and what you project. Continued GREAT luck and keep on telling us all about your life.

  9. You're so gorgeous now!

  10. You look like you seriously are happy on the track you are both weight and life. The extra weight looks amazing and I wish I could have been your roommate to watch the gain happen first hand! NICE!!!

  11. 幸運! 太りなさい!

  12. Christopher JamesMay 20, 2009 at 6:47 PM

    You're also much cuter now. ;)

  13. u should take a picture of urself at the gym benching or doing any other workout

  14. this is an UH mazing retrospect. The images are tremendous in comparison. hugs and belly rubs from dallas.

  15. Hey Git. Love your blog...brings back memories of my freshman year in college. I left home 155 and my sister joked "watch out for the freshman 15!"...I didn'nt know what she was babbling about....well, I had the freshman 15 by Thanksgiving with all the cafeteria food and came home some 40 pounds fatter with a belly I couldn't hide...I got a lot of teasing (and I loved it! :) ) Thanks for the memories...

  16. You do look so much more comfortable in your own skin...and your face filled out so nicely. So F'n Cute!

  17. Strong dirty bulk

  18. Your transformation has been a joy to watch. And you're right, you do look like a different person now.
