Making Up for Lost Pounds

Unlike most people I know, when I get stressed out I actually eat less. I get too focused on whatever I'm working on( say, studying for finals) and I simply forget to eat. So, instead of gaining in my last weeks of college, I ended up losing about fifteen pounds on accident. Although I don't think you could notice if you looked at me. I do honestly feel the same size--if not bigger.

Nevertheless, my first priority is to regain that weight. I'm going to try to find things that I love to snack on and keep a good stock of those things. So far it has helped as I've at least gained five of those pounds back. This is perhaps aided by how sedentary I've been lately.

After graduation, I got a new computer for a graduation present, so most of my time has been spent in front of my shiny new monitor. It doesn't help that both of us here have been sick for a while, though. I've been neglecting the gym and other hobbies, but I feel I deserve a little break from my responsibilities.

I've got no job and no school to worry about, so I'm going to make this summer a summer of weight gain!


  1. I look forward to seeing more of the blog good luck with getting fatter. I am trying my self to get fatter and fatter everyday. Until then I have to settle for padding my self up fat.

    padder in VA

  2. Hi, Peter:
    I feel sympathy for you that you lost weight during your final period in college. It is good to hear that you are returning to neglected hobbies. That'll occupy your mind in neglected directions.
    And will give material for future blogs.
    So, happy "regaining" and I wish you all the best,

  3. Hey. Congrats on graduating. Looking forward to hearing about your successful gains. I know you'll do a terrific job.


  4. Good luck on your gaining! Take it slow, and I'm sure you'll achieve the gains you seek.

  5. You'll gain those lost pounds back in no time. Plus you'll gain more pounds after getting those back quicker, since you're stretching yourself out. ^^ Keep up the great work, Git. You're doing a fine job as is.

  6. That blows that you both have been sick lately...and I hope you get well soon, but you most definitely deserve a break from your responsibilities, you just GRADUATED!!! That's a huge accomplishment and you should just enjoy that... speaking of HUGE accomplishments your belly is looking great!!! I recently saw your pictures of you entering college and then exiting college...WOW!!! That's all I can say...WOW!!! You were sooooo tiny and now...well I wouldn't use tiny to describe you in any way.... that's so hot, and I would have loved to have been your roommate and watch your gain first sexy as you try to squeeze into your clothes...have to go buy new clothes and then outgrow those too. You really did accomplish a lot in college...what di your friends and family say about your gain...i mean it was a little noticeable. Let your boyfriend know he's one lucky son of a duck and I'm sure everyone (myself included) is ubber jealous of him and his sexy boy!!! Keep up the gains! Good luck in everything you chose to do...your obviously dedicated and follow through so I'm sure you'll be successful where ever you end up :P
