Beer Belly

About two months ago, my boyfriend and I were out at Sonic getting a late-night snack. On the way back, we passed a nearby night club that was absolutely packed with people. As we creeped along in front of it, careful not to run over the stumbling clubbers making their way in and out, I spotted next to the door the largest man I'd ever seen. He was definitely the bouncer of the place, perched on a stool with a gut that went out to his knees.

Of course, I was blown away at the sight, but more surprisingly my boyfriend seemed to be as well. He made a comment about how many beers I'd have to drink to get a gut that size and challenged me to start drinking a few every night.

Now, these events are rare for my boyfriend. He loves big men, but rarely does he see someone in person that strikes his fancy. So I promised him and myself I would start doing just that. Because we're still low on funds, I settled for cheap stuff like Budweiser but I've grown used to the taste (as many Americans have, I assume) and took to drinking a little more each night.

I had never drank beer before in such quantities, as I wasn't such a partier in college, but I had visions of soon being able to chug a pitcher of the stuff in one go, a la that movie Beer Fest. So over the past weeks, that's what I've been going for. It has gotten a lot easier to chug as I go along--right now I can do about a half a can before the 'beer shivers' set in (or whatever they're called).

There've been a lot of articles on whether or not drinking beer really leads to abdominal obesity. In 2003, this BBC article reports on the Czech (my ancestors!) study of beer drinkers and found no link between the amount of beer they drank and their waist size. A year later though, they reported that there was a link found between waist size and binge drinking. So basically, drinking beer doesn't necessarily cause a beer belly, but drinking large amounts in one sitting can.

I can certainly see the reasoning behind this. Drinking six or seven beers really stretches my stomach to new limits. I feel absolutely enormous when I do it (here's some lazy mirror shots--I don't know if you can tell a difference, but I certainly felt bigger than I looked), and on top of that it seems to increase my capacity to eat. It's an absolutely wonderful thing to experience and hopefully these results will only get better.


  1. PLEASE upload a video with a nice, healthy belch or two after you throw down a couple of beers.

  2. very nice process.
    and it looks definatly bigger dear ;)

  3. Well, that's definitely a start back to your journey to greatness, handsome! Keep at it and let's hope the next 12 months brings at least another 50 pounds to your frame. I'm glad your boyfriend is onboard with this. HOT!

  4. Hi, Pete:
    It is good to hear from you again. Not only that, you are full of news.
    The combination of your boyfriend being impressed by a super-big guy and as a result encourages you to drink beer. That stretching your tummy with beer increases your capacity to eat sounds fantastic: Calories from extra beer plus calories from extra food should result in gaining wonders.
    The genes of your Czech ancestors should work in you as well. Did you know that there is a real "Budweiser" brewed in Budweis in Czechia. But it can't be sold in the US and many other countries, because the American Budweiser registered the trade mark ahead of the Czechs, while the latter were behind the iron curtain.
    Last, but certainly NOT LEAST, congratulations on your new pictures. You say your stomach feels stretched to the limits. Yes, it looks like that in the snap shots!
    Best wishes for progress on your resumed gaining path,

  5. they say that beer binging works, but it can be bad for your liver. good luck on gaining with alchohol, i hope it works on you!

  6. Well good luck to you with this, Git. Just be careful with drinking beer as it can affect your health and it would suck to see you turn into an alcoholic. Hopefully though it'll pack on the pounds. You should have taken a picture of that bouncer and if you did. You should post a link to it. ^^

  7. I use nightly beer drinking as part of my gaining regimen also. The bloating is great and consuming a lot does help stretch the stomach. While studies seem a bit inconclusive on the effects of beer and fat, I did read one that stated that those who snacked while drinking beer put on far more weight than those who drank beer only. I munch on potato chips while drinking beer every night. Seems to work...I get fatter and fatter.

  8. The bouncer story is cute, especially since your boyfriend was so interested.

    However git I'm goign to warn you now, be careful about drinking so much. You're already gaining which is correlated with health problems enough as it is, so you have to be careful not to add any risks to it. I trust that you are an adult and can make your own decisions carefully, so if you continue to binge drink, dont do it every night or anything.

    You have many many years ahead of you, don't let weight gain consume your thoughts and life, take it easy ok? And good luck with the continued gaining

  9. You are my greatest inspartion for gaining. Thank you for your great blog. :)

  10. u shuld take a pic of urself laying on ur bed with an extra large pizza on ur belly stuffing it down

  11. You look great! I found your pics on Flickr as I admire big guy too. I did see a guy on Flickr who is gaining rapidly by eating about 6000 calories daily and a lot of carbs. I bet that would work better than beer, of course the beers would still be on the menue.

  12. Please be careful, excessive alcohol use can cause liver problems, cancer, and other health issues over the long term. If you're using beer for weight gain, I recommend using nonalcoholic beer at least some of the time. O'Douls, e.g., actually tastes pretty good.
