Diary of a Gainer

I'm quite disappointed in myself. Back when I first started this blog, I promised myself that I would stick to it and not let it collect dust like every other Blogger blog out there. It was quite easy to maintain that promise while I was still gaining weight like crazy and attracting so much attention. Granted, this blog has already outlasted the majority of blogs on the web, but as the pounds stopped piling on, there was less and less to talk about.

It is entirely my fault, this dust-collecting. I tried too hard to make it interesting to you, the readers, to read. It's hard to not become infatuated with the attention I've been given over the years. But unfortunately, that meant if I couldn't think of anything worth writing about, I didn't write anything at all. So, in an attempt to reignite my desire to chronicle this experience of mine, I've given the old blog a new coat of paint and I've decided to change up the tone a bit.

So, from now on this is more of a journal than a blog. The main reason I keep this place alive is that I want to be able to look back on my experiences. I want to be able to remember what it was like to be that skinny, pale 140-pound teenager yearning for a body he could be proud of. While I would hope it were interesting enough for folks to check on a regular basis, I'm going to stop worrying about that and focus more on keeping my motivation alive.

It has been tough lately, though. I have a huge test tomorrow up in Chicago that has taken up almost every ounce of my attention over the past few months, and I'm not even sure if I can pass this year! On top of that, my boyfriend was generous enough to share his (swine?) flu with me here in our shoebox apartment, so I'm not even going to be at 100% mental strength for it. Despite this, I've been in oddly good spirits. I feel as if my belly has grown in the past few weeks, even if the scale says no change in weight. Every morning, I'm greeted by a shapely form that I cannot resist hefting and wobbling in the shower. It's sparked quite a bit of creativity in me, as well--I've been doodling occasionally and have some very creative story ideas floating around my head just begging to be written down.

It is amazing what being happy in your body does for your esteem. The only thing that bums me out is that I haven't been to the gym since graduating college in May. I've been doing occasional push-ups and curls with milk jugs, but somehow it's just not quite the same. Hopefully by the time it gets warmer around here again, I'll have a job and enough income to start going to a real gym again.

Then again, I've said something along those lines almost every month. Who knows what'll happen this time.


  1. Don't give up.And try your best on that test.

  2. You're welcome, Git. Plus I'm always checking my feeds to see if you've updated this, cause I love to read this blog. Hell I love reading all your journals on FA, but since it's down and not coming back up till monday. It's just good to hear from you. Plus we all know that you've been just scraping through with money and that, so it's hard to gain when you have not a lot of food to eat.

  3. Hi, Pete:
    Also my very best wishes for your test. Gbwy.
    I'm happy to hear that you are going to continue your "Diary" as such. I believe most of your fans never expected only propositions of highfalutin ideas!
    Wishing you success in Chicago,

  4. About the gym: if you're really trying to get back into it, makes sure to check and recheck about gyms in your area and deals they might have going on. In this area, they're pretty desperate and they're lowering rates, and I managed to find a place nearby that I totally had missed the first few times I looked. HALF the price of every other gym in the area. Maybe you'll luck out?

  5. Don't go crazy worrying about the content of your blog. Honestly, if you just check in every couple weeks and say: here's me, here's my weight and here's a pic-- I think we will be pleased. If you have anything additional to write, that's the big bonus. Even then, it needn't be anything elabourate. Just do your best! Speaking of doing your best... good luck with the test, mister!! Loads of love... - Dale

  6. Based on your manga translation abilities, I'd say you're going for 二級 right? Super good luck on that! 頑張れ!!!!
