
2009 wasn't a very good year for New Year's resolutions. Typically I give myself pretty achievable tasks, but this past year apparently was too rough to even achieve those. Of course, the biggest thing was my weight. The entire year, I waffled between 235 and 250 pounds like a car stuck in the mud.

No more of that, though. I'm tired of faltering. From this day on, I'm putting myself on a strict diet. I'm not going to speak much of it, because I know the more I talk about it with others, the less I will be motivated to stick with it. I will, though, definitely talk of the progress that results from it, of course.

I've set up an Excel file to track my calories each day and week. If I don't hit my minimum by a certain time at night, I have to make an emergency run to Burger King or something and get what I need. No excuses. Time to get firm with myself.

I managed to snag my father's Gorillapod for my camera, so I'll be able to take some more exciting photos. I'm going to be taking a lot of progress photos, if this all goes to plan.

2010 will be the year I hit 300.


  1. Well you know we're all rooting for ya to hit that mark, Git. ^^ Jus keep working hard on trying to get to that goal. We know you can do it. ^^

  2. Hi, Pete:
    Very best wishes for your 2010 plans. Gaining, or even maintaining weight is "hard work"! No kidding about it.
    Happy New Year,

  3. you look great, as always.

    and don't feel too bad about not meeting your weight goals this year. Getting fatter is a lot harder than people would think. Sure it's easy to stay "chubby" but to transform yourself into a 300 pound stud... well, it takes a lot of work. I'm really happy that you are getting serious about your weight gain again... with an attitude like yours, you will be 300 by the end of 2010, I'm sure of it :) Just look how far you've come already

  4. I know you can do it buddy!! You are looking amazing!
