The Curse of 240

My body loves being 240 pounds. It loves it so much that it doesn't want to let go. So much so that it seems to be ignoring the basic rules for weight gain. That being, a 240lb body burns ~2500 calories a day, and anything beyond that is stored. 3500 stored calories then amount to a pound.

This 'rule' is what I've been basing my new diet on.
I aim to eat 4000 calories a day. It's actually been a very easy target to achieve, given the resources. Under no circumstance am I ever to eat less than 2500 calories a day. Even if I'm sick and vomiting. Even if there's no food in the house. This way I should never see a decline in my weight, and theoretically gain about three pounds a week.

Then again, it's rarely worked for me like that in actuality. There've been times in the past where I've gained a lot faster than I should have and of course there have been times where I've eaten 10-pounds-worth of calories and not seen a change at all.

Since starting this diet two weeks ago I have almost gained the six pounds I should have, but on the other hand, I'm really tired of seeing 240. I've hit this milestone probably a dozen times--the first time being nearly two years ago! I would have been ecstatic to see 241. Or even 240.1. But my new scale proudly announced two-hundred and forty.

I never want to see that number again. Ever.

I'm going to go eat.


  1. Hey, lurker here. (Well, most of the time.) Anyway.

    Not sure how much this'll cheer you up, but...there's a LOT of stuff that goes into your weight - for example, water, the time of day, stuff like that. Heck, I lost 7 pounds this summer even though I didn't do anything! (I identify as an encourager, though, so that doesn't bother me much.)

    With intake, there's also a couple of factors - for example, I think that (for your weight) 2500 calories is more like the absolute baseline. Depending on what you do in the course of the day, you'll possibly end up burning more or less. Plus, you're like 22, so that could also work against you (since younger people tend to burn faster than older people).

    (And then absorption - which is a side thing: If you're sick and vomiting, even if you keep stuff down it may just go through. Definitely if you have the runs. Even then, things change from day to day anyway.)

    And finally - I think weight comes on in spurts for some people. So, yeah. I wouldn't be surprised if the scale said 243 or 245 next week.

    Anyway. This got long. But wishing you the best of luck! Don't drive yourself too crazy - I'll love your blog (and you) just as much at 240 as at 300!

  2. Hi, Pete:
    Frustration is a nasty thing and your 240 must be.
    The first thing that came to my mind was your scales. As they aren't mechanical (by the way, that is a very good picture) it can't be that they are stuck. But maybe their absolute maximum is 240 ????
    The only other explanation is the ols "calories in, calories out". As you have no doubt about your intake, did you analyze how much you "burn". Maybe that is where the problem lies.
    Otherwise, facetiously, you are the owner of something most desireable: of keeping a certain weight, no matter how much you eat or exercise. Many people would give their right arm for that "secret"!
    But, to be serious, it is impossible to keep a specific weight like that for any length of time. The most basic law on this earth of ours is that absolutely nothing stays exactely the same forever.
    Be prepared for a weight paroxysm anytime now.
    As always, wishing you the best,

  3. ok, heres wut u do, ur body is probly getting used to the same old diet so u gotta change it up a bit, tht and sometimes when u lose weight it just means ur losing muscle and not fat which could also be a good thing too, well good luck and keep it up, really keep it up, lol, jkjk

    well ttyl


    your friend, tony

  4. I forgot what certain weight you levled off at in the past that wasn't 240, but you pasted it finally one time and you can do it again and pass 240, Git. ^^ Just keep up with what you're doing and you'll pass it one day. We're rooting for you. Also looking at the pic you posted. The scale looks like it's reading 2400 lbs when you don't see the dot. X3

  5. I feel the same about 19*. I was happy to get there the first time. The second time, not so much. Now I'm on the third, and... Excuse me, I have some milk to drink. :|

  6. Here's hoping!!! Sending you good vibes!! Plagues are hard to bust but once you do I know you will be happy happy!! And so will your hubby!!! Go eat another cookie big boy!!
