Ten Up

Still unemployed over here in snowy Kentucky. Gradually I seem to need to lower my standards more and more until I'll end up working at Starbucks again or something. Thankfully, both my parents and my in-laws donated grocery store gift cards to us, so I've been able to stick to my diet.

I've been keeping pretty detailed track of my calories every day for the past five weeks. Since I have a pretty simple diet, it's been easy to keep track of what I eat. I'm so glad that most fast food places keep their nutritional info online, but sometimes I just have to guess (I'm looking at you, every Chinese restaurant ever).

Still, things are actually progressing well with my weight. This morning I weighed about 245, which is a gain of about ten pounds since starting this plan. I can really feel this weight, too; it's much more noticeable and tangible. When I do finally get back to 250, it'll be interesting to see the difference between that weight and the first time I weighed that much.

I'm dying to feel it again. I'm already so attracted to this weight, I want more. And so does my boyfriend, now. Slowly he's turning into a real encourager.


  1. That's the problem with being a gainer. If you don't have money to buy food or a job to keep money in your pocket for food. It's hard to gain and you end up losing weight. That's one of the cons of being a gainer when you can't keep a constant food supply. Still I hope you can get back up to 250 like you want and hope you can find a job in this sucky economy.

  2. Sounds like you'll be back @ 250 soon and how welcome that will be!! Nice of the fams to recognize the need for grocery gift cards! It will be inteeting to hear if you feel the weight is somehow different from the last time you were at that weight!
    What was/is the job at Toyota? Would be perfect w/ your attraction to Japan! Maybe you could design replacement accelerators? Always good to catch up w/ you!

  3. thats the problem these days with the recession. everyone thinks "oh I'm too good thor XXXX job" well that's why they remain unemployed, because no one is too good.

    hope job searching goes well.

  4. CONGRATS on the gain Git! and I'm so happy your bf is on board! that makes a big difference!
