
A huge side effect of all this beer drinking and binge eating seems to be an increase in my appetite. I tend to be hungry a bit more often, but when I am it's quite noticeable. Like audible gurgling noticeable. I don't really see it as a problem--I'm almost proud of how often it occurs--because it forces me to eat more often. The only trouble is when I am in, say O'Hare airport where all the food costs me an arm and a leg, I have to just deal with the pangs as best I can.

It is quite powerful, these hunger pangs. As an example, it used to be before tests and such, I am usually a nervous, anxious mess. I can't even stand the thought of eating, when I'm like that. But before the test that I took on Sunday (and believe me, I was nervous), the hunger seemed to overpower it. I had to make several food stops before and after it! I was quite impressed with myself.

The only trouble is, if I have to ignore the hunger for too long, it almost seems to go away. If I had a graph of my hunger over time, it would spike immediately and slowly taper off. This, I assume, is a product of my childhood where I would frequently ignore meals out of laziness. I need to learn to act on my hunger immediately, not only to take advantage of a large appetite, but also to decrease the amount of time until this gut starts rumbling again.


  1. Yeah, airport food is expensive. Though it's cool that you're getting hungry like this. Means that the ganining is working and you can get to your goal you set back in the past a lot fast with feeling hungry lke this. ^^

  2. Hunger coming and going away has to do with the liver releasing stored sugar, but once you've used that up you'll feel hungry again. Still, eating before the second hunger will mean not having to replenish the reserves.

  3. do you find that after the first hunger pangs pass, you feel almost nauseous and not like eating at all?

  4. I get that too. The too lazy to eat thing. Used to be proper skinny because of it.

  5. Hi, Pete:
    Good to hear from you.
    I've heard before that beer drinking gives an appetite. So you are gaining again. If you are able to eat when you are hungry, you won't have to force yourself. Powerful hunger pangs demand "powerful" food consumption! That should show results on the scales. So you are a "happy gainer" once again.
    Don't forget to let us know how you made out with your exams!

  6. This is exactly what happens to me. I notice that eating regularly and eating larger meals increases the severity and amount of hunger pangs I get. Kind of a "Use it or lose it" situation. It's annoying, but when I'm consistent, it pays off.

  7. Hey, you know what they say - no pain, no gain. Works for me:

  8. One word "lunchbox" I can't go anywhere without one. ;-) it's a good way to not spend money when your out speicially if moneys tight. Xxxx
