
I finally got around to joining that growingguys website. It's really nice to see all my favorite big guys in one place--very inspiring to say the least. I wanted to thank everyone who greeted me and send messages, it was very flattering.

Unfortunately, working so hard at that damn job has cause me to lose a noticeable amount of weight recently. Since my diet hasn't changed a bit, I suppose that just means I'm burning more calories. I've adjusted my intake goals accordingly, so I've no worries. As far as the work goes, I don't have as many belly sightings as I did at my previous post, but I suppose I don't hate it that much. I've still got hopes for the next year or so, so they haven't crushed my spirit just yet.

On the plus side, though, I've gotten in pretty good shape over the past month. Between the few days of cardio I do a week and all the running about I do at work, I'm rarely winded anymore. On top of that, my muscles are just about to the point where they were when I lost real gym access, and my chest has grown to the point that I can't stop playing with it. If I suck in my gut enough, it almost looks like I'm an off-season gym rat or something. A little:

From time to time, I have a small desire to be a just-muscular guy. Of course, being muscular is more socially acceptable and admirable, and I suppose that's why the urge arises from time to time. I like to flex in the mirror sometimes, and maybe puff out my chest at work to see if anyone notices. Perhaps that's the vain side of me wanting some attention.

I don't much like that side of me, though. It's too focused on what I feel like everyone thinks I should look like. I'd rather go for what I want to look like.


  1. Well at least you're getting excersize which is good. Since you wanted to shape your body before and be healthy as well. ^^ Just keep up the great work Git. You'll get to the goals of being fat like you want, if you just keep at it.

  2. well you said your goal is to be big, I think that's why you lwant to be muscular sometimes too. Because it's big without the risks

  3. I think that you should eat more fast food but be carefull with the colesterol because I love you and I do not want to lose you. Sorry for my english but I am spanish.

    Yours faithfully


  4. two things to eat are sticks of butter and peanutbutter. the butter will help u get fatter and the peanutbutter will give you the protien and help fatten you up. you really need to faten up.

  5. Wow! That's you sucking it in? I can't look that fat even if I pushed out my gut after gording myself past capacity. Don't worry about the image, fat is a lot better looking. I constantly strive to get fatter but unfortunately I am only carrying about 50 lbs of fat on my body with a measly 25% body fat percentage. My belly has just broken the 100cm mark (39"), which is a milestone - and that's how big it is in the morning without any food in it.

    Keep up the gaining! How much do you weight these days?
