Another Article

I came home to a handful of snide comments in my inbox today, and I had no idea why. Turns out, this blog was referenced in yet another newspaper article today. Unlike the last one, I had no idea this one was coming out, so I was curious as hell to find out what it was about.

Turns out, the article was actually just a review of the new TV show Huge with a one-paragraph lead-in referencing my blog. A completely random reference, if you ask me. It only mentioned the topic of my last blog post, as well as a reworded description of me copied from the box to the right there. It was quite lazy, considering that the theme of my blog is completely different from that of that TV show. The show is about an overweight girl who feels like she shouldn't hate her body or something. This blog is more about wanting to change your body.

But I imagine that the author went with my blog because it's really the only one out there these days, despite her claims to the otherwise. I feel like someone really needs to explain what 'gaining' is to the New York Times. We know you are against the fat-acceptance movement, Times, but this is kind of a different thing. The author seems quite lazy overall, though I suppose that's indicative of a dying newspaper industry.

While I do appreciate the opinions expressed on my blog throughout the day today, unfortunately I had to delete them (and disable commenting for a while). I know people who followed that link are compelled to try and talk some sense into me, but forgive me if I don't feel like being patronized. I try to give the impression that I'm not some yokel feasting on sticks of butter, so please don't assume I am.

Update: Another article mentioning me was posted today. Ho jeez. And I don't even give a damn about the fat acceptance movement.

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