Week One

This morning was a bit nerve-wracking. For almost a year now, I've avoided the scale because I knew I wouldn't like what I saw. I only forced myself to get my weight last week because I wanted a starting point, and it was hard to see how low I'd fallen. The scale was still an enemy.

Today we had a serious standoff. It's only been seven days since I started my regain but I desperately wanted to if I had made progress. I knew I did well. I started tracking my calories on MyPlate and never went under my daily goal. I haven't missed a gym day since moving in here. I started taking snacks to work and always eating breakfast. Even my work pants started to get pretty snug, so I knew I made progress.

But still, I knew that if I got on that scale with such confidence--as I have done many times before--only to learn that I had made no or negative progress, it would crush me. The scale doesn't lie to me. It can be a very heartless beast. But other times it is a source of great validation and motivation.

And in I couldn't keep myself from doing it. I had to know if I was truly on my way back up--and I am! I weighed 226.8 pounds this morning. Not yet a weight I can be proud of, but that amounts to a full 8-pound gain in just one week! Perhaps a new record for me. I have more motivation than ever to keep up the effort. It's becoming more and more enjoyable to go past my limits and I make a vow now to see progress every week until I get back to where I left off, no matter what.


  1. Awesome! The hard part's keeping it up though—keep it going!

  2. I am so happy for you. and for those of us who follow you. Can't wait to see some progress pictures.

  3. Fantastic! I agree with the above, keep us updated with Progress pics!

  4. Hey, radomly i find your blog. Very interesting. I will keep an eye on your blog. Keep it up!!

  5. All great news!! The city (here we'd be a tropical backwater without the tourists!), the job, the apartment and the money to stock the 'fridge! Love to hear a bit about the job and whether it allows you to use your Japanese! I'm really happy for you and look forward to your getting big again. It's a wonderful life, isn't it?

  6. Just eat a lot of bread and butter before bed!

  7. upload more photos

  8. That's an amazing gain in one week. I think your body was ready for it.

  9. I'm also a gainer, but having trouble with low appetite.
    So much of what you said is how I feel about gaining. I'm really glad I found your blog.

  10. I learned in my health class that when one gains weight for the first time, the body makes new fat cells. After loosing weight, you keep the same number of cells just with less stored energy. Its like a balloon - the ruber balloon material stays but its contents deflate. So after loosing weight, its easier to regain the weight you already gained - your body just fills in the empy space.
