An Old Nemesis (Again)

Last week I didn't write up a post, but I hit 238 again. I was getting all worked up about the thought of returning to my old nemesis weight--240. When I first hit 240, it was after months of work and it was very satisfying at the time, but soon it became clear that 240 was going to be a long plateau. A few times I managed to crawl up near 250, but the weight was quickly lost if I made any mistakes.

This time, I knew for sure, would be different. I'd made such solid progress so far, I knew I could break through that wall for good this time. I was psyching myself up, and I had a plan that I was going to write up for this journal, but I was worried about reaching 240 in time that I checked early.

On Wednesday morning, after much deliberation, I hopped on the scale. To my shock, the scale read 241! I checked it again several times, just to be sure. It wasn't broken and I was as empty as I could possibly be, so there was no mistaking. I even checked yesterday and this morning, only to find that I had gained another pound on top of it!

I suppose it shouldn't be such a shock, given how much I've been eating. The size of my meals are getting so much bigger than what I considered 'a lot' before. This size is somewhat familiar, too, although maybe a bit shifted about. My old big legs are back, along with my butt. My love handles are much more noticeable this time around, though, and I like to think that perhaps my chest is too. I took a bunch of pictures and a video to try and get a glimpse of just what's different this time. (View them here)

I think I might feel mixed feelings because it wasn't the challenge I was expecting, but I have no reason to be upset. I'm officially eight pounds away from my highest ever weight. I'm absolutely dying to reach new territory. The feeling I got way back in 2007 and 2008 of reaching new weights--I can't wait to feel that again.


  1. Congrats! Looking fantastic. I always look forward to your blog updates. Nice to see it seems to be less of a struggle this time. *touch wood*

  2. Do you mind taking a picture of one of your meals? It'd be cool to get an idea of just how much you're packing away. ^^

  3. Congrats and here's to getting to new gaining weight territory. ^^

  4. You look absolutely fantastic! Even bigger than your last posts from around this weight. Congratulations!

  5. Please post again soon!
