Week Three

I'm definitely settling into a consistent groove, here. Things are progressing very well and I'm nearing my old nemesis weight of 240 again. Things feel different this time, though. It is significantly easier this time around to keep myself eating and meeting my calorie goals every day.

I really wish I could explain why, though. Ever since I started gaining, I've been looking for the 'key,' if you will, to eating more than you're used to. I wanted to be able to be able to give definitive advice to someone on how to push yourself to eat more. Unfortunately, it appears to be one of those things that just isn't that simple to explain.

It really is a combination of things, is the best I can offer. Settling into a routine of eating at the same time every day. Keeping snacks handy and a stocked kitchen. Making a meal something you can't wait for, instead of something you need to remind yourself to do.

But there's something else this time. I don't know what it is, but it's something. Maybe it's the re-emergence of a new online gainer social community (which if you haven't joined yet, get on it!!) full of huge men to admire. Maybe it's that I have a desk job. Maybe it's as simple as having more money now.

At least, even if I can't explain why, I'm finally getting fat again. It's time to reach new heights.


  1. 太るの向上を見るのはめっちゃすごいよ。


  2. That's a hot looking gainer gut! Definitely the swollen, pushed-out, plump and firm stomach that rapid gaining seems to achieve and make hairy men like you look extra hot. I really am excited to know it's growing more and to imagine that swollen even more round and prominent on your frame. You're going to become even more of a knockout!

  3. Someone looks happy with themselves :)
    Your Looking great congrats!

  4. It's easy to explain, but I don't know how good an explanation it is, though. Before the summer I was 6' 240 pounds. Over the summer I went to a Buddhist retreat that only served vegan food and I dropped 25 pounds and went to 215. Throughout the fall I gained easily and got back to 240 easily, regaining the 25 pounds in a season. In the winter, I really collided with that plateau and now, in may, I'm only at about 253. It's really easy to regain weight because as you lose weight your fat cells shrink but don't recombine, so you're left with starving fat cells. As you gain, they're going back to their right size. However, once you pass that top weight, you need to overeat and expansion is slow because you're waiting for the fat cells to multiply en masse to accommodate your bigger size. You might try the GOMAD diet (Gallon Of Milk A Day) it's google-able and it's a great source of protein (and whole milk is a good source of fat.) I got over my hurdle by mixing a liter of light cream with a liter of low-fat milk to make really delicious milk with about thrice the fat of regular milk, but don't quote me on those stats. Hope this helps.
