
I'll admit, sometimes I do have second thoughts about all this. It is definitely a big decision to make, and because it takes so much time I have plenty of opportunities to change my mind. There are some little things that make me feel that way every so often. Every so often, the boyfriend misses being bigger than me and my abnormally-low body fat percentage. And sometimes I do too, but not too often.

From the start, I've had two main worries. The first being how my weight would impact my job, which won't be too much of a problem now, I don't think. The second was a much bigger worry, and that of course is health. All the time I see new studies about how being fat will cause some disease, the latest being how belly fat leads to dementia. I'm very paranoid about diabetes or heart problems, even though it doesn't run in my family. Heck, its extremely rare if people in my family don't live past 100.

Gainers don't really talk about health problems too much, I've noticed. This could be because it really isn't that common, or they just deny the risk because its discouraging. Gainers and encouragers I talk to all say "Oh, you work out. You'll be fine." I don't think its enough that I work out. All the talk seems to be that problems arise just being overweight. Still, it could be the case that obesity leads to a lot of problems because obese individuals got that way because of really unhealthy habits.

Either way, its better to be safe than sorry. I've started doing cardio every time I go to the gym to keep my heart healthy, and I'll get the nerve up to go get regular check-ups (I'm worried I already have a problem I don't know about.) And because most of these health problems arise later in life, I won't rule out the possibility of dropping weight as I get older.

It's all still up in the air. I don't even know if I'll like how I'll look when I get very heavy, but everyone seems to think I will. When I was little, everyone said how hard it would be for me to gain weight and that my frame was too small to be a large man. Nowadays everyone seems to think the opposite. Also, someone was nice enough to give me a preview of "the next 50 or so pounds" by morphing one of my latest pictures. Not bad!


  1. I think it's quite possible for anyone of any weight to "worry" themselves into an early grave--and there are definitely some characteristics of what helps a person survive and recover life threatening situations than others--faith in oneself for example.

    I wish you the very best of health and look forward to you filling out on those next 50 pounds :)

  2. Relax, as the Dali Lama says, "fear comes not from that which is without, it rather stems from within; not knowing this is why so many are suffering". All will be fine, trust me. And by the way, that morph was fantastic. (But, do keep this in mind, the choice of what you do with your body is ultimately yours, no one, not us, not your family, not your boyfriend, can make this decision for you, in your best interests; do what YOU feel is right, and that's all you can do.)

    Somebody Who Cares

  3. Oh, and by the way, this is Somebody Who Cares again; this might help to clarify your doubts.

    "Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
    Did gyre and gymble in the wabe:
    All mimsy were the borogoves,
    And the mome raths outgrabe"

    ~Lewis Carroll~
    "Through the Looking Glass"

  4. Huh...guess we know why Bryan is crazy.

    I suspect gainers--like any fringe fetish--don't talk about the risks as ignorance is bliss. It's unfortunate, because it *IS* possible to gain weight in a healthy way, and not addressing the negative aspects of gaining makes people think they can get away with eating cake batter every day without consequence.

    My suggestion? Ditch the cardio in favour of some powerlifting. It's better for your heart and won't put at much stress on your joints. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat, and with all the calories you're taking in, your body is just begging to grow.

  5. Regular checkups are probably a good idea. Most health problems only become serious when they're ignored, where as early detection will save you a boat load of grief in the long term.

  6. I think you would be best served by abandoning your weight gaining quest. I believe health and longevity are far more important than any aesthetic benefit you may receive. I agree with your assessment that weight gain is extremely unhealthy and harmful, especially in the long run. In that vein, I urge you to quit your unhealthy habits before they become addictions and while you still have an active metabolism.

    Very truly yours

  7. Well the unknown scares us, but yet fascinates us all at the same time. You don't know what's the future is going to hold for you, none of us no that unless you're psychic. There is percentages that you might or might not get health problems from gaining weight. Going to the doctors and exercising are good things that you're doing to make sure that you don't get health problems. Anyway, it's ultimately your decision to stop gaining and no one elses. We are just here to root you on, give suggestions, help and all that other stuff. ^^ Just do what makes you happy.

  8. You do not worry. Your IMC says that you are obese, but due to the profit of weight that you itself have generated based on effort. You really are not the obese one indeed. In fact, if today you stop overfeeding yourself and take your normal life you will return to be thin. The problems derived from the overweight you are not going to endure as the obese one indeed. It yes, it(he,she) will be able to raise lightly the tension or the sugar, but it always will be a passenger, so(then,since) in the moment of which it(he,she) turns into a problem, you can return to the normal levels leaving your diet. For the present, your your dream continues doing reality and that of your admirers.

  9. wow the next 50 will be great ! very sexy

  10. I'm afraid there will always be doubt in the world. All you can do is find something you're absolutely sure of, and cling to it. Like love; if your boyfriend loves you, and you love him in return; at least no obstacle you face will ever have to be faced alone!

  11. You're wise to worry about health concerns. I would go see the doctor immediately to see if there is anything for you to actually worry about. Realise though that the doctor will probably comment about your weight. One thing to consider is that if there is nothing that turns up now, don't let his concern about your weight be a deterrent to your continued gain. My partner is about 70 pounds past his acceptable weight and is healthy. He doesn't even go to the gym to do cardio. So, take that into consideration.

  12. I think being aware of the potential problems can be a good thing, as long as you don't stress yourself over them. There are loads of things you can do - particularly around diet and exercise - which can keep you both big (& sexy) AND healthy at the same time. Some of it is basic stuff, like avoiding high-GI foods which are a risk factor for diabetes. You'll probably need to eat more to put on the weight you want - but that's just an opportunity to enjoy pigging out more often!

    Swimming would be good if you're looking for low-impact cardio. It also uses a lot of muscles, so it's a more complete workout than many other types of cardio.

    Beyond this, I think what a few other people have said is wise advice: find the weight YOU feel comfortable with, and stay there. It's your body, not anyone else's.

  13. I think I know why gainers tend to not have so much health problems, it's because it's partially mind over matter

    you see, by being a gainer, gaining weight makes you happy instead of driving you into depression. Happy people tend to be healthier ones if you notice and people who are immobile and have health issues cause of their weight didn't get their on purpose

    plus gainers tend to be mroe careful in making sure that they are healthier in other areas of life, like not be ing alcoholics and taking drugs, going out in the sun and being social, etc

  14. i love what you are doing, but personally, I dont think you should go TOO far. being fat WILL hurt you in many ways in the long run, not only just health and job wise. I personally dont think you should go all the way to 400, and go for 350 maybe, then start going back down (you dont have to try to go all the way back down to skinny, idk if you could now anyways :P) for many reasons, I just dont think you should (but I am into medium overweight, not REALLY big overweight, so yea...)

  15. u look like ur 450 lbs in the morphed pick u look good though

  16. who did that morph for you? i would love one too

  17. Oh I read on another gaining blog that as you gain a little at a time,you are improving your sex life a little at a time with your partner. Man you are doing a fabulous job at gaining. I am thinking about gaining also to improve my life. I hope one day to be with a partner that will love me and my curves like yours loves yours.

    I am wishing you the best on gaining those next 50 to 100 pounds, and filling out the next size of pants and shirts.

  18. Hi-- Just found your site-- it's really impressive. Thoughtful, articulate, interesting. I really admire you for going ahead and being who you want to be. I've always felt the same way, but have worried about health, others' attidudes, my own doubts, etc. But I wish I hadn't, especially seeing how fine you look, and how happy you are! I always loved big men, and, above all, wanted to BE big-- it must feel great! You look terrific, and I really admire your decision to go ahead and gain. I'm glad your work and friends make it possible for you, and I really look forward to watching your progress. You look nice thin or fat, but I think you look really nice big, and I say, keep it up! Go for 400! best wishes, and enjoy!


  20. I do admire you and your decision to gain,
    I personally lack the confidence and willpower.
    I don't want to to discourage you, but if all the reports and results are true, then yes it is likely to impact on your health.
    I think you should play it by ear.
    If a health problem develops, and you consider it more important than your gaining. Lose the weight.
    Otherwise, just see a doctor regularly - if you can, and watch out for any signs of ill health.

    I am not swayed by an insane desire to see you grow larger, so I hope my advice seems unbiased.
    It just seems there is a trend in bad health and being overweight, wether it's true or not cannot be made certain.

    Just be careful, remember your health is more important.

    Other than that, keep gaining sexy ;3
