
On a few occasions lately, I've come home from school very hungry, and decided to get some fast food. When I get back to the apartment, I woof it all down without much thought. After finishing, I remember thinking, "man, I wish I could be this hungry all of the time..." That must be what it is like for those who say they have a "weight problem." Constantly thinking about food, eating things without much consciousness of it... must be so nice!

So, I've thought about the concept of hunger lately. Rob (my boyfriend) says being full is mostly mental. He thinks that when I can't finish a big plate of food, its because I'm thinking about how much I have left to eat and how daunting it is. The feeling of "fullness" comes from that; your brain telling you that you've had enough, I suppose. I can certainly see the validity in that. My eyes are definitely bigger than my stomach, and the desire to just keep eating is there, even when I feel too full to move. But even if I were able to have large meals, I still don't think about food enough, and I don't know how to change that. Even as I write this, I'm pretty hungry, but I don't feel the need to eat. I still need to force myself to eat.

I need to change that somehow. I would do anything for that state of being--to have almost constant hunger, to always be thinking about food. It's always been an object of fantasy for me, as it was often a theme in cartoons when I was a kid. Characters would just throw food down their throat until it was gone, and naturally end up pounds heavier. It's also a great theme for weight gain stories, such as the one Rob and I worked on together not too long ago.

But what can I do to achieve that? I've heard talk of hypnosis, or subliminal messages. I've also seen products claiming to be appetite enhancers, such as "Black Hole" that I've been curious to try. But being something that very few people desire, I'm sure that there's not much out there to enhance someone's appetite. Perhaps my only option is to grow into that state of mind with time.

I hope that it isn't though. When it comes to my gluttony, I'm very impatient.


  1. I know two Beefy Frat brothers that have used 'Black Hole' and they both have very positive things to say about it. Although both tell me its better to use them every other day rather than every day as the effect will lessen over time using them too often.

    They claim that the main effect after taking them is it takes them much longer to reach that 'full' point.

    So, they might be worth a try.

  2. Well you could try just getting bored to the point that you eat. That used to happen to me when I was a kid. I'd get bored and find that I'd get hungry, so I'd eat to do something. Plus on a medical show my mom was watching this one guy had sleep eating. Maybe you could try doing that? That'll really help you gain right there. ^^

  3. hej, i heard that BEAR TRANCER could do some good hypnosis to solve "problems" like yours. the only thing is that he is quite expensive. check out this link:
    mayby this can help...
    take care

  4. by the way.. i love your blogg. its keeping me eating ;-)
    marc / austria

  5. You need to relax.
    In my opinion, you´re very worried about your weight gain! You look some desperate to act like that.
    Eat well, add some calories and enjoy your actual body.
    Besides, you´re amazing! Man, you´re just huge! When I saw you, I got extremelly excited.


  6. You need to enjoy the food! Its not just fuel you throw on the fire, food can be a sensual experience all in itself. Don't know if you're much of a cook, but I'd suggest trying something completely new on a regular basis. New type of resturant, or poke around online until you find a new recipie you want to try.

    When I'm stuck at work thinking about food, half of what I'm thinking about is what I'm going to prepare, how its going to taste, the textures, the aroma, which wine or beer will I want to pair with the meal.

    Great blog :)

    -Dubbel (from beefyfrat)

  7. eating mid-night snacks might help foods like ice cream chips left overs. :) Keep gaining

  8. Since you’re getting more philosophical about gaining, I thought I’d give you my two cents (not that I have any real right to, haha; gaining is (and should be) a really personal thing.) Anyway, I am kind of like you in that I am not a big eater, yet I seem to be getting talented at packing on the pounds. I’ll tell you what works for me:

    First acknowledge the fact that you are a “grazer.” That means you are not the type who should ever sit down to a really big meal. Instead, you should have three regular meals a day but beyond that, delight in snacks, hors d'oeuvres, appetizers, and side orders. Never focus on more than one little meal at a time.

    The key is this: Every time you finish a little mini-meal, ask yourself, is my belly full? If the answer is no, then think of some snack you have around the house that sounds appealing to you, and eat as much as you want to. Be curious about snacking. When you finish eating what you want of one little meal, then ask yourself the same question again. Am I really full? If not, think of a new snack, and keep going till your belly is so stuffed that it feels like someone punched you from the inside.

    Don’t pay attention to your appetite at all. Don’t even worry about it or give it a second thought. Instead, love the feeling of your gut when it is stuffed to its max. Start to long for that feeling. Act on that longing by snacking to achieve the full-feeling. You see, if I were to lay out the 4000 to 5000 calories I sometimes consume in a day on a table in front of me, forget it, I’d probably just eat 1000 calories, tops.

    Use resealable containers! If you have a big container of pasta, don’t snack from it with the intention of finishing the container. Just do it with the intention of eating until your belly feels full. If you’re not enjoying it, stop. Who cares if it was only a few bites? More for later. And do have more later if your gonna enjoy it! Keep containers of stuff that is ready and quick to heat up.

    Develop a taste for the sweet and the salty. Make sure you keep well stocked with salty and sweet “mini-meals.” Alternate between sweet and salty things to keep your interest. You know what I love to eat? Hot pockets. Mmm. There is a lot of variety in them, their inexpensive, calorific, somewhat healthy, and perfect to snack on. I’ve also gotten really into rice pudding (I make gallons of it; its cheap & easy as hell to make). So hot-pockets would be a salty thing, and the rice pudding a sweet one. I also love breakfast food. So sometimes, I make oatmeal, cream of wheat… yum.

    When you’ve snacked to your belly’s content; that is, when your belly hurts because you overdid it so much, then drink water. Drink as much as you can. That’ll stretch your stomach out to new limits. I guarantee you that if you do that for a month, by the end of the month it will take a little more for you to feel really full.

    Try only to drink fluid between meals. You should drink a lot of water.

    I’m all for being as health as possible with gaining so try make sure that you are eating a good amount of protein every day as much carbs as you want (I like to switch up between rice and pasta- they are always around (and inexpensive)) Eat fruits and vegetables; discover avocados and bananas, if you haven’t already.

    Use lots and lots of olive oil. That is really healthy fat. In fact on of my favorite 1000 calorie “snacks” is 5 tablespoons of olive oil, with vinegar, juice from a squeezed tomato, salt and oregano (i.e. a really oily salad dressing) only, in stead of lettuce, mop the dressing up with slice bread (as much as it takes). Olive oil is great for your skin (so it can’t hurt to defend against stretch-marks), and even though it is high in cholesterol, it is the good kind of cholesterol that actually lowers your risk for heart disease. But don’t eat that every day unless you want to get really fat really quickly. I only let myself do that on rare occasions. Today was on of em ;) I think I’m gonna go chase it down with a American style super-sized fast food meal. Cause grazer or not, there is something about fast food that always goes down so easily! But, again, don’t over do it on the fast foods. Not only is it expensive, but it’s a really unhealthy way to get fat.

    Well, I enjoyed writing this, even if you will only really the first two sentences.

    Be safe and successful in your gaining, man. Remember that you are the one who has to decide what’s right for you. Being really overweight it never going to be healthy, physically. But if it going to make you really happy than be happy: you mental and emotional health are just as important.

    –A fan and admirer

    P.S. if you do start to eat more with olive oil, be aware that if you never consume olive oil there is a little bit of an acclamation process. So if you don’t eat if very often, start out small and work your way up ;)


  10. People who use an external triggers to tell them when to stop eating tend to gain more wight than those who use internal triggers (e.g. fullness) to determine when to stop.

    One example of this is people who read or watch TV or while they eat. A person is likely to continue eating after they are full if the show they are watching is still on or the chapter they are reading hasn't ended. So try loading up a plate nice and full, and then sit down and do something you enjoy, that should distract you from the feeling of fullness.

  11. Tricking your mind is a great way to eat all the time. For instance, tell yourself that you are aneorexic and need food or something, and follow from there. Stuff like this differs from person to person, so try to mix it up a little. It'll take a while for it to become habit, but it should work. It's worked for me and for my gaining mates at school. I hope this helps. P.S: I think you're really hot!
