Different Strokes

One thing I've noticed since I started posting here is the wide variety of opinions and experiences from you guys. I honestly did not expect such a wide variety of readers, but in hindsight I guess it's to be expected.

I do thank you all for your input, I definitely read every single comment I get here even though I can't reply to them. I know some of you think I look good at my current weight, some of you think I should keep gaining. Some of you are looking for tips and inspiration, some of you want to help me. I appreciate every bit of help and encouragement and advice given, for sure, but it's pretty apparent that everyone is very different from each other. Everyone has their own techniques for gaining and staying healthy based off of their own experiences.

I think the key for me, from what I've learned so far, is to take it a bit slower. The few problems that arose from my weight gain (snoring and being out of shape) quickly recovered after I lost these ten pounds. Perhaps gaining 10 pounds a month is a bit fast for me. Plus, I don't think I want my fat to outshine my muscles, so I think I'll take it a bit easier now.

On the bright side, I actually ended up winning second place in that collegehumor contest, so there's 100 bucks for being a fatso. Also, I've been feeling a bit bigger in the muscle department. We'll see how eating big combined with working out harder and my new supplements work out for me this summer.

On a side note as well, while I do appreciate the (oddly) passionate opinions about my taking supplements, lets try to keep the bickering to a minimum, shall we?


  1. Yes, there are definitely many approaches to being a gainer. Some just want to get bigger and bigger at the fastest possible rate. Others are trying to reach a certain look and maintain it. There are limits on how quickly one can gain weight - the human body can only process so many calories in a given time. Slower gains are probably more sustainable because the body can adjust. Your fat can get ahead of your muscle.

  2. Bravo. That is the way life works. Everyone is different and has a different perspective as well as needs, wants, desires, etc. I'm glad you've found yourself in this journey.

  3. You're welcome, Git. ^^ Just keep doing what you're doing and we'll all be behind you. People's bodies are different for one another's at burning calories, storing fat and all that other stuff. You're finding what works for you and when you do find what is working best you stick with it, until you hit the point that it won't work anymore, before you find something else that does. Just keep up doing what you're doing and you'll get to the goals you seek. ^^ Keep up the great work, you're doing excellent and really looking good. ^^

  4. Very good philosophy. Take things slowly and don't try to rush things. In the end you'll have much better results in your fat/muscle building process. Rome was not built in a day.

  5. muscle/bulk, powerlifter types = hottest guys ever. Just my opinion, and im glad that you're still lifting and aiming high. You're looking better already man!high protein, lots of veggies, you know :)

    I cant wait to see more updates. Keep it up!

  6. i still think ur hot, no matter what u do, :P :D

  7. when you eat, you fell like you are going to pop. it wont really happen think to yourself. just keep on going and stop when you feel like it. also starch products like bread eat much of them

  8. fat
