
I have a tenancy to only talk about the bad things on online journals. It's a habit I've formed from LiveJournal, I suppose. So I guess as a result, people seem to assume things are worse than they are.

I know there are a ton of differing opinions out there, and I know I'm never going to please everybody. But let me just say, I'm not doing this for any of you. Some people think I'm gaining weight to get attention, and while I must say that all of your encouragement is certainly an ego boost, I'm only doing this for me.

I could've worked to try and love my body the way it was, but that's not what I really want. I'll never truly like my body unless I am what I consider attractive. I don't know why I love big guys so much, but I always have and that's pretty much that.

I would not change a thing about what I've been doing the past year. I love what I've become, and I will love even more what I will be in the future. My body is and will be a living example of my hard work and dedication to eating and lifting big. If you can work your way to change something about yourself, why wouldn't you?

I do read and take in all of your comments, but I've seen absolutely no reason to stop now.


  1. Good to hear that you are doing what makes YOU happy :). Whatever weight or size you are at there will be pros and cons. I guess we have to try these things to know what works best. My personal vote is that you are looking really great since you have been lifting weights and eating extra well, but that is of course my personal opinion. Good luck big guy!

  2. hey, so why to do this blog at all if u do it all for urself? i think maybe what would make me to blog ... the audience or contact you develop keep u running in times when the steam's low. may it be it sometimes?
    can u show some latest doc photos of urself? be nice to see what ur talking about. thanx ian

  3. Nicely said. ^^ It's good that you're doing this for yourself. We're just here to root you on and help you get to your goals. Give you pick me ups me you're done and make sure that you give it your all, before you decide to stop. Keep working as hard as you can, SG. ^^

  4. This is exactly what it's all about. Much love to you, handsome!

  5. so wat are you goin to do now are u gonna get fatter or lose fat. either or, post more pics.

  6. You look great! keep growing ! You are really hot

  7. grow a double chin and also buy an xsmall t-shirt and pants, put them on then take a pic

  8. hey, saw this on YouTube, done by "animeboi101", ;) you should watch it, Git! :P :D
