Lactose Intolerance

It appears that I'm becoming/have become lactose intolerant. It's actually a bit devastating, as I love milk with a big chunk of my being. I've drank it for as long as I can remember, and can go through a gallon a day if I'm looking to gain.

Lately, when I drink milk, I often get very gassy. Not every time, strangely, but it's becoming more frequent. I'm taking some medicine to aid me, because I can't really live without my milk. Especially with all of the calories, fats and protein I can easily get from it. I wonder how this happened, and if its fixable.

Looks like I need to go see a doctor.


  1. I wouldn't worry about the milk. There is a type of milk out on the market now that doesn't have lactose. So, if you are lactose intolerant, you can still enjoy that gallon of milk.

  2. Or you simply can buy some sort of lactose supplement -- which ISNT a drug, just an enzyme -- and pop one every time you want to have a glass of milk or a nice slice of cheese or a bowl of ice cream. Totally doable!

    There is even lactose free ice cream now! It rocks, and I dont even care for ice cream!!

    I remember when I realized the same thing -- whew, the gas!! Not fun.

    Check out your local drug store for the lactose replacement pills -- usually stocked with the antacids. (There is nothing a doctor can do for you but suggest the same, so dont waste your money on one trip to the doc for this -- wait until you really need to go.)


    check it out!

  4. Hey,
    I was just reading an article about Raw Milk. It talked about how milk today has been pasteurized, which can be a good thing cause it kills all harmful bacteria, but can be bad because it kills all the good bacteria that is found naturally in milk that help you to digest it and helps you to make enzymes to digest milk. Its hard to find though, but I have found raw cheese at my health food store. The enzyme replacement supplement sounds like it will work, and there are also soy and lactose free products.
    I hope it all works out for you. Good luck.

  5. Here's the link to the lactose free Breyers ice cream!

  6. That Breyers ROCKS!

  7. i have one favor. can u just tell us how u gain weight like 2 or 3 lbs of FAT? if u can that would b awsome. but when i say alot of people look up to u as a person who they look up to to get advice i mean it. it would b really nice because i need to bulk up for football season although im in my last year of high school football and i need to gain weight. right now im 4 lbs. under the weight limit so i really would like to get bulked up. can u just post on your gainer profile it would be really great. also take a picture of you eating with a no shirt on. also try to make a video of u trying on old clothes like when u were in your first year of collage. thanx!

  8. That sucks that you have become this. It's amazing how you can not be someting one day and be it when your over. Though there are pills that I've seen on TV that you can take, that are for this and can help you. Just go to your local drug store and ask as I think going to the doctors will have them saying the same thing or them having you get some prescription for pills, that'll cost a whole hell lot, when you can get some pills for this on the self at lower the price.

  9. Please, think a lot on things I'm going to tell you with this post.

    You should go back. Please answer this question: Are You a Person or a Thing?

    You're destroying yourself. You've turned your body into a fetish for your problems and for all these guys who use you as a sexual thing, an object.

    You're a man, a person, you should take care of yourself. You should cultivate your mind and your body!

    You're annihilating your personality, your feelings, your emotions, your humanity, turning your body in an empty sexual fetish object.

    Please, abandon all these guys who exohortate you in getting bigger. They use you only for their own pleasure... you're their fetish, they don't love you.

    Retake control of your mind, find your self-control, find your lost balance. Have respect of yourself.

    I'm telling you this because I have a fat fetishism too. I'd like to annihilate my emotions and destroy my body, my shape. But I stay strong, I fight against it. And I know I can win.

    I think you're very similar to me, a sesitive person who suffers. I know you're annihilating yourself because you have suffered a lot in the past, and you continues to suffer in the present. With the weight gain you're trying to destroy, to suffocate, your pains.

    Please, go back to the handsome long-haired thin guy you were just before starting the gain. Big body makes even you look older than you're in reality.

    Please, hear my words.

  10. Interesting...this last anonymous posting seems to be from someone that knows you intimately and your every thought, emotion and past history.

    Wow, do we all have symbiotic twins in the universe? If so, where is mine?!?

  11. Hey anonymous - is there any way I could contact you? I have had some of those thoughts but never really had the chance to speak with anyone about it. Don't get me wrong everyone else, I'm pretty open minded - mainly looking for someone to toss some of these ideas around.

  12. this is a response to the person discouraging your gaining.

    1) he clearly wants to be large.

    2) some people think large is sexy, i am one of those people, and i happen to have the same body he did when he started gaining.

    3) i think he looks damn sexy, looking a couple years older than he really is because of the weight.

    as to git.

    keep going, you look great. hopefully we'll contact one day and you can give me some advice
