Changing Goals

Gaining is hard work. Growing up in Kentucky and seeing that the vast majority of the people around me are pretty heavy, you'd think that gaining weight would be easy. I guess it comes down to how you're raised. I'm working hard to get over how easy it is for me to just forget to eat. If I'm busy working on something and I hear my stomach growl, I'm so used to just ignoring it. I really need to get over that.

Anyway, this weekend has been really busy. Went to my parents' today to see their new puppy, so I didn't have time to think off a good post. However, yesterday I stumbled upon this video on Chubspot. I can't tell you how quickly I got turned on by this man. He's not particularly attractive, and before I would have been completely repulsed by his gut, but I've never seen a man that big before. A man who is still mobile, doing things I've never seen a man of his size do (like "sex," in one of the other videos). I never thought I'd see a man that large (he's got to be over 600 pounds!) and actually... want to be that big. I really doubt I could ever get that large; there's so many conditions that'd have to be met for it to even be possible, but it has gotten me daydreaming.

I wouldn't mind it at all, I think. So who knows how big I'll end up.


  1. Don't get impatient, all things in time. Make your little goals toward your bigger goal. You are looking great with the added poundage. I love seeing your updates. Regards, Jon. (mandmchoc)

  2. Compare that guy with Pete on page 8 of your recent "Dessert" series - your mind already seems to be working in that direction...

  3. If you're used to ignoring your stomach, make sure you have loads of high-energy food like nuts with you all the time and, when your belly rumbles, stuff a handful (or ten) down your throat. Not only will you get out of the habit of ignoring your belly - your weight gain will shoot up from the fat they contain.

    As to the guy on Chubspot - WOOF! I can only imagine how hot you'd be if you managed to eat your way to his weight (or beyond) and if you keep building up your muscles like you are you'll probably still be mobile too. Just one thing though: what does your BF think of the idea of you becoming that big and sexy?

  4. Well you just keep doing what you're doing with thinking about getting to your set current goals. Gotta get somewhere first before you can get to being as huge as that guy. Though it'd be hot to see you as huge as that guy. Plus if you do get to your set goal, you might go over it and be that big one days. ^^ I have to say that when your stomach growls. Don't ignore it. Go get something to eat or have like a snake nearby to eat when it does. Yeah, it'll be hard since ignoring it in the past is what you did. Gotta look at ignoring it now and not do that, since you're trying to gain. Good luck and keep up the great work. ^^

  5. that looks like a giant tumor attached to his body...

  6. want to say i'm glad ur back to gaining and would love to see some updated pics... I recently updated my gaining blog which u can find here

    would love to chat to u via e-mail sometime about gaining, perhaps we could help each other, we seem to share the same goals...

  7. hey weres you newest blog?

  8. as a fellow gainer also looking to get into the "huge" definitions of size, it's awesome to see you considering getting that big but remember that it isnt something you can take lightly (pun whoops)

    you seem to be pretty good about your health and being active so no worries about mobility and stuff but there will be alot of things you wont be able to or do as well if you get that big

    some resturaunts wont fit you, or places like barbershops, no matter how muscular you are there will also be strain on your body, and doing things like using the bathroom and such

    also remember that if you get there you wont be "a big guy" when people see you, you will be "an obese or fat guy". you can have alot of muscles but people are gonna focus purely on the fat when they see you, and as you already know, very few are gonna have a positive opinion of you

    also above all else, if you want to get that big talk it over with your boyfriend

    and dont do anything else dangerous for you like smoking or drinking :3

    if you can handle all that, then by all means go for it bro, we'll all support you still
