the bears are starting to hibernate

It's starting to get cold here in Kentucky, and everyone's starting to cover up. For whatever reason, people here have seemingly no cold tolerance and start wearing jackets once it falls below 55 degrees. And that includes the bigger guys, too!

This does terrible things for my walks to class. I always get such nice views of men wearing as little as they comfortably can to ease the heat. Now they're all wearing baggy hoodies, and sadly I am not an exception. I had just bought some new shirts that showed off my body really well, and now they're all covered up by the same top.

I was pretty happy when I bought it last year, because when I tried on the large, it was absurdly tight. Very big ego boost. Unfortunately, the extra-large was much bigger, so I end up looking smaller in it. It takes a real big man to still look big in outerwear, and unfortunately I'm not there yet.

But luckily with the winter comes holidays and eating. Here's hoping I can catch up to my goal by the year's end.


  1. Aww... Well, y'know, big guys are less of an exception than most. Fat freezes just a bit faster, at least it seems that way to me. My sides are always a bit chilly compared to the rest of me (toes and fingers excluded.)

  2. Just think of spring as a belated Christmas present; the wrappings come off and you have a great sight.The anticipation of the baggy clothes coming off will more than make up for the views you'll get later. Regards, Jon (mandmchoc)

  3. Well just think about yourself as a present and your wrapping yourself up, till warmer weather comes up again. Then you unwrap yourself in the spring, so Spring is your Xmas. Hehe. Just keep up the work and you'll be hugs in no time. ^^

  4. you're missing out if you cant enjoy a fat guy in a hoodie, trust me, Ever try hugging one? a nice soft cold hoodie and plenty of warm squsihy fat underneathe make for the best hugs ever!, plus all that bagginess makes a guy look bigger and most of them can still have a big belly bulge show under one ;3

  5. Hey, I think what you are doing is really inspiring, I was wondering if you could post some info on what kind of work out routine you follow?

  6. its a real pity that in Africa we dont get the chance to bundle up for winter.. I think it must make all the weight gain so much more fun to see in the spring!

  7. Think of all of those guys packing on those surreptitious pounds during the holidays as tantalizing eye candy to be revealed in the thaw of warmer weather. It makes spring all the more enjoyable.

    On the side, I must say that you have captivated my awe and attentions. I have followed your blog for a while now indirectly, and it is my desire to emulate your gains and progress as soon as I reach my present goals. I truly envy you. You are a God amongst gainers.
