Big versus Fat

Lately I've gotten a lot of compliments on my size, but it's not usually what I expect. The other day, a bunch of my coworkers started clamoring over the size of my arms. I was pretty dumbfounded, as I never thought them to be very out of the ordinary. But the handful of girls (as well as my supposedly-straight manager) kept talking about how big I was, asking how much I lifted and such.

I did enjoy the attention, though I was pretty embarrassed. It also made me wonder how long I would be considered "big" by my peers. There is usually a point where a man crosses into the "fat" category (which is generally a negative thing). I would love to remain in the former for as long as I can. A big guy would be, say, a linebacker in football or a powerlifter. A fat guy would be someone who looks doughy, has little to no muscle definition (small arms or something compared to the size of their waist).

Very few men can retain that quality as they grow to extreme proportions. One great example, though, is MassiveOx (or BigBryan). Sadly, he had to essentially remove his presence from the internet, but he's always been one of my gaining idols. Because of the size of his muscles and the firmness of his gut, he's a man of great size that still retains that sense of "bigness." Unfortunuately, his results are probably mostly a result of genetics, but who's to say I don't share similar genes?

I've been thinking about these sorts of things a lot recently. I'm in my last year of college, so I'm taking a handful of electives. This semester, I'm taking a nutrition class and a weight training class with my boyfriend. The nurition class is populated (and taught by) by short, blonde, skinny sorority girls who get very visably disgusted when an overweight person is shown. To say I feel out of place is a bit of an understatement, but I find it very interesting. The weight training class, however, I feel like someone the beginner students look up to.

I'll never have what the general public would consider an ideal body, but knowing that there's people out there who find my size attractive, I don't think I care. Sure, it's important for you to like your own body and of course that's the main reason I'm gaining, but it's also imporant to get encouragement and positive feedback from others. The wonderful feedback I get from folks on the internet assures me that there are people out there in public who are thinking good things about me, even if I don't hear it.


  1. There's just so much that we can let ourselves say out in public, even if it tears at us so much inside. I mean, it's something that's imprinted into our minds growing up, that we shouldn't say this, speak of that, or tell the truth to those that we may not know, just to let the other person know what's on your mind and be done with it. Suffice to say, with the internet providing a sort of veil around us, we're given some liberties on what we can and can't say, making it that much easier to comment/compliment what you find.

    That being said, what you do receive on here as compliments, you should take completely as being the real thing. We're all shy about letting others know what goes on inside, but we can at least tell people we like this and that about them in full honesty, right? ^_^ Only thing to just disregard are the negative comments you receive.

  2. Well what can I say? We all are rooting for you to get to the goals and the body that you want. You're doing a great job so far, so keep it up and you'll get to what you want one day, just never give up. The world we live in is a harsh one with how we view each other on appearances. We don't look at people from the inside. You could be like 800 lbs and be one hell of a nice guy, but people would see you as obese and disgusting, cause of your weight. It makes me sick sometimes that people do this. On the internet it's the same thing sometimes, but more people on the net are going to be into you getting big and that, cause it's what they like/love, just they can't show it offline for fear of being judge badly. Cause in secret they go with the way of their peers, like a hive mentality. Like someone you think of as a friend online could not be your friend offline, cause they have to keep their apperance offline. You know how it is. I could go on and on, but you get the gist of it. ^^ Just keep up the good work and never give up and if you do feel like giving up. Talk to your friends and they'll help you. ^^

  3. (cause it keeps freaking out when I try to leave the comment under my livejournal name)

    Hi, I've been following your blog and your other pages for a little while now and I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on reaching the "big guy" status. I was there there earlier this year, though it seems I'm now past it. I really wish I knew who you were talking about. Its always a rare thing when someone can keep the big guy status as they get bigger and bigger. Here's hoping you get to keep it for as long as possible.

  4. Do you know why BigBryanCA/MassiveOx had to remove his internet presence? He's such a gorgeous big guy and had a huge following.
