Inflatable Git

Sorry about the delay. Unfortunately, I'm still feeling pretty crummy, but luckily earlier in the week I got a chance to do what I intended to do for Sunday's post. One of my readers was awesome enough to send me an air pump for me as sort of an early birthday present. I had always wanted to try out inflation, so I was eager to get to it.

I had dabbled with water inflation when I was younger, so I had a good idea of what to do and how to be safe with it. I'd been watching a lot of inflaters on YouTube lately and it was just almost fate that I got to try it for my birthday! I took some very nsfw pictures while I was doing it that you can view if you so choose here. (warning- pantless/naked and some butt shots)

It might not be something you guys care to see, but it's a good way to add some new video material in between my gaining dry spells, and hopefully it will increase my appetite. Plus, I enjoy it like crazy, so hopefully I'll stick with it if only for my sake. If any of you guys do inflate yourselves, any tips you can share would be great.

Here's a short video clip I took. I'm not sure if you can tell a difference at
all but you can tell how much I was loving it. I also apologize for how horribly unshaven I am; I blame the illness.

ps. thanks for the birthday wishes!


I apologize again for the whiny tone of that last post. I was in kind of a worrying state of mind because I had some minor surgery (if you can even call it that) in store a few days after. My two big toes had some pretty serious ingrown nails and infections. I had put off going to the doctor for far too long (almost a year) and was afraid of what was going to come of the procedure.

It wasn't too bad though. I'll spare you the details, but I was off of my feet for all of last week outside of going to class. I don't think I was any lazier than I usually am, but I've gained some weight back that I lost from slacking off over the past few weeks.

I want to thank you guys who commented on that last post. I know I should just go with the flow, but it seems the more I grow, the more and faster I want to grow. It's a pretty greedy mindset, but I can't seem to think otherwise. I almost feel it’s necessary for a gainer or bodybuilder.

When I was little--both in age and in size--I remember being told I was annoyingly modest. I disliked being that way, but I didn't really have the confidence to behave any other way. Nowadays, I still maintain some of those mannerisms out of habit, but the truth is when I get compliments from you guys, I eat it up. I am proud of what I've achieved and I love actually getting attention for it. I'm just a big greedy, prideful, lazy bastard.

It sounds terrible when I write it like that, but it's true. I can't defend myself. I'm purposefully being inactive, putting on weight because I'm attracted to it and subsequently chronicling it on the internet. That's, like, four sins right there. I don't feel bad about it, though. Being happy and proud of my body is much more preferable to being unhappy and annoyingly modest.

I do worry about becoming too prideful, though. I know of a lot of gainers and even more bodybuilders who are just the biggest assholes you'd ever seen. I like to think that I can use my jealousy of bigger men (yet another sin) to keep me in my place. So, as long as I don't become the largest man on the planet, hopefully my personality won't change. If that fails, I hope you guys will give me a good internet smack and put me in my place!

Too Young to Gain?

That's a thought that's been on my mind a lot lately. The weather's finally gotten warm again here in Kentucky, and my urge to go to the gym has been restored. I've been making pretty good progress there, because of all my eating. My arms and chest have gotten bigger, and even if its just because of a layer of fat on them, I'm really proud of how I look. I catch a lot of looks at the gym, and that makes me very happy.

My weight, on the other hand, continues to fight against me. This body definitely is used to being skinny. I've had to work against it constantly. If I have one slow day for eating, it seems to set me back quite a bit. I'll admit that I don't eat as much as I probably should be considering how much I need to to make any progress (blame my lack of income for that one, right now), but what kills me is if I were older, I wouldn't have to work nearly as hard.

The way I eat and my activity level would probably balloon me up in no time if I were, say, 10 years older. It's no secret that older men are more prone to gaining weight; people tell me that all the time. I know I won't be any different when I age some more as well, but I don't want to wait to continue my gaining.

I wish there were more guys who I could talk to about this. The vast majority of gainers out there are older men, and most who are my age are much smaller than I am. The ones who are bigger than me have been fat their entire lives and don't have much advice to offer. Am I lucky to have gotten this far at my age, considering how much of a hardgainer I am? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than thankful that I have gained what I have. People approach me all the time now asking how I broke past the initial wall of gaining, and I can only tell them to be patient. I guess I should follow my own advice.

I apologize for the whining, but that's what journals are for sometimes, right? There is one thing that can really get me eating no matter what... but that's a topic for next week.

Ho Hum

Slow times here in Kentucky. If you haven't been reading the news, my poor state was hit hard with an ice storm last week. Luckily our apartment complex didn't lose power like some half a million others (including my old complex), but we were pretty snowed in. It was nice to not have to go to class for a few days, but the cupboards are getting pretty bare. I've actually lost a little weight (but not size), which is really discouraging.

Thankfully, in true Kentucky weather tradition, its now 50 degrees outside and everything seems to be melting. I'm going to finally make my way to the gym and get back into the groove. Last month I only went about three times and started to get used to being really lazy. Outside of Warcraft, occasional drawing and eating (not as much as I should), not much has been going on.

As such, I don't have much to talk about this week. I had some ideas before, but in my lazy stupor I seem to have forgotten them. Hopefully this coming month will be more eventful. At the very least, my birthday is coming up on the 27th. Is there anything you guys would like me to talk about next week? Nothing is off-limits, here. Let me know.