Too Young to Gain?

That's a thought that's been on my mind a lot lately. The weather's finally gotten warm again here in Kentucky, and my urge to go to the gym has been restored. I've been making pretty good progress there, because of all my eating. My arms and chest have gotten bigger, and even if its just because of a layer of fat on them, I'm really proud of how I look. I catch a lot of looks at the gym, and that makes me very happy.

My weight, on the other hand, continues to fight against me. This body definitely is used to being skinny. I've had to work against it constantly. If I have one slow day for eating, it seems to set me back quite a bit. I'll admit that I don't eat as much as I probably should be considering how much I need to to make any progress (blame my lack of income for that one, right now), but what kills me is if I were older, I wouldn't have to work nearly as hard.

The way I eat and my activity level would probably balloon me up in no time if I were, say, 10 years older. It's no secret that older men are more prone to gaining weight; people tell me that all the time. I know I won't be any different when I age some more as well, but I don't want to wait to continue my gaining.

I wish there were more guys who I could talk to about this. The vast majority of gainers out there are older men, and most who are my age are much smaller than I am. The ones who are bigger than me have been fat their entire lives and don't have much advice to offer. Am I lucky to have gotten this far at my age, considering how much of a hardgainer I am? Don't get me wrong, I'm more than thankful that I have gained what I have. People approach me all the time now asking how I broke past the initial wall of gaining, and I can only tell them to be patient. I guess I should follow my own advice.

I apologize for the whining, but that's what journals are for sometimes, right? There is one thing that can really get me eating no matter what... but that's a topic for next week.


  1. Hey sport, stick it out. I'm 27, hardgainer, used to run cross country and track. Now, lifting 5x a week and battling a fast metabolism, it takes a lot of food to even keep the belly on with the muscle. So I hear you. We'll be able to party hardcore apparently when we get into the upper 30s. Until then, keep adding the muscle base, enjoy the journey and don't sweat it. We'll get there.

  2. Don't give up! Just like the couples who keep trying to have children and eventually are blessed with children when they least expect it, you're gonna get that weight on!

  3. I agree with Mr. Cocktail: you have to stick it out. Any significant change to one's body takes time and endurance to see it happen - at least for most of us. I've recently broken through a plateau myself, but it's been a long, long time coming, and I am still way short of where I want to be. My body's used to being thin, too - and still is; I'm a thinner guy but still very much in your shoes (well maybe a few sizes smaller, and without the awesome boyfriend and support).

    Try to relax and take it in stride - easier said, I know, but it's all we can do, while steadily pursuing our goals. You will make it. Focus on what you like about where you are and all the things that make life - and the process - good.

    Meanwhile I'll try to follow my own advice, too.


    - sg

  4. You have to also remember that, the older you get, the harder it is to gain muscle, and the more susceptible you are to injury. Even if your body's resisting it right now, this is also the time when your body is the most resilient.

    I feel your pain, though. :( There seems to be no guys who went from skinny to huge, at least both muscle and fat-wise. Let alone people who are in the process to talk to. I'd say I could be someone to talk to, but I don't know how helpful I could be. ^^;; And dorm life is really different from apartment life...

    But you've made it this far. We'll be here rooting you on. :3

  5. You look amazing. Arms are getting fatter. I'm so jealous of your boyfriend!! lol.

  6. Well, I'm older but I still have that problem of not gaining at times even when my calorie intake is huge. I'm also one that was normal or just slightly overweight and I keep returning that range if I don't work at gaining.

    For me it seems to be stresses in life that make a big difference on whether I gain or not. It's frustrating eating 1500-2000 extra calories a day for a few weeks with nothing to show for it!

    I'm at one of those periods now, but expect the current stressing factors to decline in the next few days.

    I'm not sure I'd put too much into older men gaining weight just because they are older. Physical activity levels tend to decrease considerably as people age, but the eating doesn't, resulting in an inevitable weight gain.

  7. I am one of those older (33) guys who's discovered that his metabolism has started to shift in such a way that excess weight seem to appear out of nowhere. My caloric intake on a daily basis is rather low (usually around 2000 calories if I'm lucky) but I sit at my computer a lot and that seems to slow my metabolism down quite a bit.

    I'm always amazed at how big some guys get as they get older -- the eating definitely doesn't stop when the metabolism shifts, and I'm a prime example of that: so much so that I expect to pack on much more weight as the amount of gray hair increases! ;)

  8. Dude you're such a worrywort sometimes. *laughs* Just don't fret dude, you have a lifetime to gain the weight you want. If you stress too much it just won't happen. Relax, take a deep breath and enjoy yourself.

  9. Dude... You just need to relax and enjoy the ride. Stop stressing as stress can be a factor for you not gain weight and losing it, same with other factors such as matoblism ant that that determine weather you can weight or lost it It's all in the mind, so just go with the flow and keep doing what you're doing. You have your BF behind you and all of us as well as we want to see you get to your goal. Of course you're going to continue to hit walls that stop you on this journey of yours, but I know you'll get through or around those said walls, just like you did that one wall when you got past that weight your stuck at.

  10. I'm not sure it has so much to do with getting older as much as it has to do with activity level and body composition. Older people gain weight easier because they have less muscle and they are less active. I'm 26 and skinny but once I got a desk job with no exercise I put on about 20 lbs without even trying. Now that I exercise though I find it hard to gain weight.

    anyway, I don't know what the answer is but I don't think you can count on age making it easier to gain.

  11. Hey man, don't worry! Just keep trying. If you can find a way to gain, that's great. But if you have to wait a few years, it doesn't matter. You're hot either way. Try not to let it get you down.

  12. If you're really hardcore you could try that black hole supplement

  13. Enjoy it while you're young. Us older guys might be able to gain weight but we also become prone high blood pressure and little things that discourages us from keeping it!

    BTW love you're your blog and the videos on youtube. You rock, dude. Ever thought about trying to recreate the pic from 1:19 into the Hottie Who Got Chubby 2 as before and after?
