Seeing is Believing

I'm a pretty severe introvert. I love nothing more on a weekend evening than to just sit around the house and draw or play a video game. When someone invites me out, my gut reaction is to make up an excuse and avoid going. I had a few friends in college, but as they graduated and moved away, I didn't feel like making new ones.

As a result, I'd never actually met up with a gainer before. Back in Kentucky, my poor friend Aaron had to basically stalk me to get me to meet up with him. It was literally more likely that we ran into each other by coincidence than intentionally. I regretted this horribly when I finally moved away, because I had missed out on the one thing that I was dying to do--touch a big man's gut.

That sounds rather creepy putting it like that, but I had never once felt a big guy's belly in my own hands. I grew up with a fat father, I ogled big guys on the street and I drew men at impossibly fat weights, but I never truly knew what it would feel like, even if it wasn't my own fat.

Aaron was actually in town last weekend for the second DC Grommoff, and I knew I couldn't pass up the opportunity this time. I decided that, in moving here, I would try and come out of my shell a bit and start making some friends.

This picture means so much to me. This is the first step for me becoming more social. I'm so glad I went. All the guys in this picture are such nice people and I will never forget that day. I made so many friends that I hope I will be able to hang out with many more times in the future.

The thing that stood out to me the most, though, was how much bigger people are in person compared to their photos. I actually ran into Aaron and Mr. SFBayDude02 himself in the subway, and I was blown away at how big they were. I spotted them from two train cars away! It really reminded me just how much I have to grow before I can really consider myself 'big.'

And of course, everyone there was open to belly rubs, (hell, that's why most of us came, I bet!) so I finally got my chance to feel what a 400-pound belly felt like. It was glorious, if I can gush. It really changed my thoughts about big guys--my daydreams and drawing ideas feel much more real now. Most importantly, my desire to grow that to that size has been reaffirmed ten-fold. As great it was to finally feel a massive belly in my hands, I want it for myself!


  1. Good for you man! Seriously! That sort of euphoric affirmation was exactly what I experienced when I went to Expansion this past year: great guys, great guts, and especially great memories! It's always nice to put a personality to pics and profiles. I also participated in the NYC Grommoff; some old friends and plenty of new ones! There's also something to be said for having the cojones to actually show up to an event like Expansion or the more-recent Grommoffs. Online often amounts to nothing more than anonymous fantasy, but, personally I prefer the real belly rubs to the digital ones. ;)
    Hope all is well in DC!

  2. It is so good that you finally got to meet up with people in the gaining community. I also owe it to Aaron to getting me to the point where I can feel comfortable meeting up with gainers in real life. Aaron is a great guy and definitely worth aspiring to. :-) I am jealous of you though, you got to go to a grommoff, I want to do something like that so bad! Take care and good luck with your gains now that they have been reaffirmed 10 fold!

  3. Hey dude can you creat a new youtube account? it would be great! And i miss a lot your older videos.

  4. Hey Bud -

    I am so happy to hear about your experience. I had met up with a few gainers off and on but met up as a group at the Grommr Launch Party in NYC and HAD A BLAST. I honestly wish I was near Chicago or NYC more often to visit all the guys. They were amazing, friendly, and i was so happy to have met you guys. I hope to meet you around at more Grommr/Expansions in the future everyone, and i wanna meet you GitBigger because your deviantart page is nothing short of glorious.

    -Snix (Rob)

  5. Grats, Git! Glad to hear you're getting out and meeting people and having fun! I've always had a good time at gainer-cenric social gatherings - hope sometime I can meet ya at one :@)

    - Dave (aka Hoggrim)

  6. that guy is the plaid with the dark hair is HOT

  7. It was excellent meeting you, Pete. I'm so glad you and the bf had a good time and are getting plugged in with my cool DC/Baltimore/NYC friends. :)
